
  • 网络algae culture;algal culture
  1. 利用藻类养殖技术处理这些废弃资源,既改善了环境又可生产出优良的藻类产品,具有巨大的社会与经济效益。

    Using algae culture technology to treat those wastes could not only improve the environment but produce large amount of high quality algae products as well .

  2. 大型藻类净化养殖水体的初步研究

    Preliminary study on purification of mariculture water by macroscopic algae

  3. 淡水浮游藻类在池塘养殖中的负面影响

    Negative Influence of Freshwater Algae in Pond

  4. 大型藻类在综合海水养殖系统中的生物修复作用

    Bioremediation capability of large-sized seaweed in integrated mariculture ecosystem : A review

  5. 大型藻类对海水鱼类养殖水体的生态调控

    Ecological function of macroalgae in fish culture system