
  1. 蔡锷为云南的现代化做出了积极贡献。

    Cai E had made much more contribution to modernization of Yunnan Province .

  2. 蔡锷的财政思想及实践

    On Cai Er 's Financial Thoughts and Practice

  3. 蔡锷与云南现代化

    Cai E and Modernization of Yunnan Province

  4. 蔡锷(1882&1916)是中国近代史上著名的军事家和政治家。

    Cai-E ( 1882-1916 ) was a famous militarist and politician in the modern history of our country .

  5. 蔡锷的财政思想及实践,对于建设中国特色社会主义伟大事业仍不无借鉴意义。

    Cai Er 's financial thoughts and practice is still of significance for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  6. 本文选取蔡锷的政治思想进行研究,以期通过对蔡锷政治思想比较全面、系统的研究,有助于人们对蔡锷的深入了解,推动蔡锷研究进一步深入。

    This paper selects Cai-E 's political thoughts as its research object in an attempt to help the people deeply understand Cai-E and further the research of him .

  7. 1907年与黄兴、蔡锷等在广西发动武装起义,因积劳成疾,28岁即英年早逝。

    In 1907 , he rose up with Huang Xing , Cai E , etc. in Guangxi , late he died from tiredness when he was 28 yeas old .

  8. 蔡锷不断总结别国现代化的经验,又结合中国的具体情况,构建出国魂、国本和国权三位一体的国家观。

    After referring other countries ' experience in modernization and combining the specific situation of China , he built the country concept , which was formed by national spirit , country-based concept and national right .

  9. 蔡锷生活在清末民初那个国难深重的时代,对于如何摆脱中国半殖民地半封建社会状况,他站在民族国家的高度进行了积极地探索。

    Cai E was living in the End of Qing Dynasty and the Early years of the Republic , which was full of national calamity . He took active explorations from the nation and state degree to get rid of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal situation in China .

  10. 后来他返回西南,先后协助李经羲、蔡锷等人治理云南。辛亥革命时期,暗中襄助革命党人顺利完成了云南地方权力的和平交接。在滇任职期间,亦曾短暂地赴上海、南京参与议会政治。

    And then , he went back to the Southwest , assisted Li Jingxi and Cai E in governing Yunnan , helped the Revolution Party finish the transfer of power in Yunnan peacefully , and was briefly involved in parliamentary politics in Shanghai and Nanjing at that period .

  11. 作为一位真诚的爱国者,蔡锷在学习西方、寻求救国救民真理的过程中,逐渐认识到中国几千年的封建专制制度是造成中国停滞不前、落后挨打的根本原因。

    As a pure-hearted patriot , Cai-E gradually realized that the several thousand years of Chinese feudalism and despotism system had been the primary cause of China 's stagnancy and backward during his study of the western society and his search for the route of saving the nation .