
  • 网络bluebird;blue;Blue jays;Blue Bird
  1. 一辆蓝鸟牌汽车停在门口,一位绅士搀扶着一位高个儿女士上了汽车。

    A new Bluebird stopped in front of the door , and a gentleman helped a tall lady in it .

  2. 风神蓝鸟轿车ABS故障检测与诊断

    Fault Detection and Diagnosis of ABS System of Bluebird Passenger Car

  3. 蓝鸟队有机会囊括这一系列比赛的冠军。

    The Blue Jays have a chance to sweep the series .

  4. 世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。

    The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece .

  5. 第一年,我开始给蓝鸟喂花生,然后开始喂松鼠。

    That first year , I started feeding peanuts to the blue jays , then the squirrels .

  6. 介绍了蓝鸟系列轿车ABS自诊断系统中故障诊断以及故障码的读取与清除方法。

    This paper introduces the fault diagnosis and reading and clearing method of error code of ABS self-diagnostic system of Bluebird passenger car .

  7. 得到FDIC保险是因为运通使用美国富国银行(WellsFargo,FDIC的成员银行)的账户,为蓝鸟卡注册用户提供服务。

    The FDIC insurance kicks in because Amex uses accounts at Wells Fargo , an FDIC member bank , for Bluebird 's registered customers .

  8. 美国运通公司(Amex)和沃尔玛(Walmart)周二表示,他们共同推出的蓝鸟(Bluebird)金融服务,如今已有联邦存款保险。

    American Express and Walmart said on Tuesday that their Bluebird venture for financial services now has federal deposit insurance .

  9. 一名出租司机反复尝试开着车冲出自家公司蓝鸟集团(BlueBirdGroup)的抗议者的包围圈,场面相当诡异。看起来,他们想要打砸他的车,并把他从车里拉出来。

    In one bizarre scene , a taxi driver repeatedly tried to drive through a throng of protesters from his own company , the Blue Bird Group , who appeared to be trying to attack his cab and pull him from the vehicle .

  10. 接受美国运通的商家数量赶不上Visa和万事达卡,但借助沃尔玛的规模(美国每周1.4亿顾客),“蓝鸟”有展翅高飞的空间。

    Amex does not quite have the acceptance of Visa and MasterCard , but combined with Walmart 's reach - 140m US customers weekly - there is room for Bluebird to spread its wings .

  11. 这一保险也让蓝鸟卡与其他传统银行、以及Netspend和GreenDot这样的公司有了平等竞争的地位,这些公司提供有FDIC保险的Visa和万事达(MasterCard)品牌预付借记卡。

    The insurance also puts Bluebird on equal footing with traditional banks as well as Netspend and Green Dot which offer FDIC-insurance on Visa and MasterCard-branded pre-paid cards .

  12. 那只蓝鸟只是他2006年在iStock网站上销售的一个插图,Twitter公司的人花了约15美元买下了它(现在你仍可以以11美元的特价下载一个类似的插图)。

    The blue bird was just one illustration he offered for sale on the iStock website in 2006 , where someone at Twitter bought it for about $ 15 ( you can still download a variation of it for the bargain price of $ 11 ) .

  13. 猫头鹰和蓝鸟作为朋友和邻居很高兴。

    Owl and Bluebird were glad to be friends and neighbors .

  14. 他可能会在蓝鸟队哪一场出赛&托瑞说。

    Mussina could pitch a game in toronto , Torre said .

  15. 我们用白雪公主的蓝鸟送了消息

    We 've sent word with one of Snow 's bluebirds .

  16. 蓝鸟卡由运通发行,沃尔玛负责经销。

    For Bluebird , Amex issues the cards and Walmart distributes them .

  17. 但是当蓝鸟叫的时候,猫头鹰不能睡觉。

    But when Bluebird tweeted , Owl could not sleep .

  18. 妈妈给我讲蓝鸟与红鸟的故事。

    Mom told me a story about blue bird and red bird .

  19. 蓝鸟牌轿车交流发电机调节器的检测与代换

    Detection and Replacement of Alternator Regulator on Blue Bird Car

  20. 在夜晚,猫头鹰和蓝鸟彼此相互拜访。

    Owl and Bluebird visited each other in the evening .

  21. 同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。

    Like his father , he was driving a car called bluebird .

  22. 猫头鹰帮助蓝鸟移到她的新家。

    Owl helped Bluebird move into her new home .

  23. 在蓝鸟的双翅里,我看见神的匠心;

    I see God in the bluebird 's wing ;

  24. 非常可爱的黑嘴蓝鸟探宝记!

    Very lovely black beak Bluebird granted mind !

  25. 蓝鸟卡不收取透支费、月费、激活费或账户最低存款额费用。

    Bluebird does not charge overdraft , monthly , activation or minimum amount fees .

  26. 整个白天,蓝鸟在吃虫子。

    All day , Bluebird ate bugs .

  27. 其中一个是蓝鸟。

    One of them is the bluebird .

  28. 整个白天,蓝鸟在飞。

    All day , Bluebird flew .

  29. 他驾驶的“蓝鸟”汽车是专门为他制造的。

    The Bluebird , the car he was driving , had been specially built for him .

  30. 蓝鸟轿车燃油箱孔支座螺母电极放炮故障分析及对策

    Fault Analysis and Countermeasure of Electricity Pole Firing of Fuel Tank Hole Bracket Nut of Bluebird Car