
  1. 草本植物花粉与陆缘植被相应,以盐生的蒿、藜科花粉占优势,表明花粉沉积与当地及周边地区植被密切相关。

    Corresponding with the epicontinental vegetation , the herb pollen mainly is salt Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae . It shows that pollen deposition is closely related with the vegetation in the vicinity of the research area .

  2. 草原区植被的A/C(蒿属/藜科)值较干旱区草原植被为低,分布规律也较干旱区复杂,但仍能反应干旱程度的差别,而且还反映了草原植被的退化程度。

    Although A / C ( Artemisia / Chenopodiaceae ) value was lower and more complicated than arid steppe area , it could reflect the humidity and the level of grass degeneration .

  3. 落叶阔叶林区灌丛花粉组合中,松蒿比(P/A)大于0.1,而草原及荒漠区灌丛则小于0.1,但草原区灌丛蒿藜比(A/C)大于1,荒漠区则小于1。

    However the ratio of Artemisia to Chenopodiaceae ( A / C ) is higher than 1 in steppe area and lower than 1 in desert area .