
  • 网络Distillation;distillation analyzer
  1. TBP750模拟蒸馏分析仪在石化领域中的应用

    Applications of TBP 750 simulated distillation analyzer in petrochemical field

  2. 连续真空蒸馏分析仪

    Continuous vacuum distillation analyzer

  3. 过程蒸馏分析仪可按以下标题分类。

    Process distillation analysers may be classified under the following headings .

  4. 在线分析仪表在水煤浆气化装置中的应用在线自动蒸馏分析仪

    Application of on-line analysis instruments in water-coal slurry gasification plant

  5. 在线色谱模拟蒸馏分析仪的研制

    Development of Chromatographic Simulated Distillation On-line Analyzer

  6. 兰州石化公司自动化院于2002年开始在线色谱模拟蒸馏分析仪的研制开发工作,首先进行了在线色谱模拟蒸馏分析仪的机理研究工作,确定了仪表的开发技术难点和技术指标。

    Automation institute of Lanzhou Petrochemical company began its exploration of on-line analyzer of chromatographic simulated distillation from 2002 . Firstly , we carried on the research work of the mechanism of chromatographic simulated distillation on-line analyzer .

  7. 凯氏蒸馏法和元素分析仪法作为常规方法通用于上述领域的全氮含量测定,但两种方法在实际应用中的差异却常被忽视。

    Kjeldahl method ( KM ) and elemental analyzer method ( EA ) are commonly used in measuring TN. Their difference , however , is often overlooked .

  8. 但由于高温操作、微量进样、信号微弱等特点,将色谱模拟蒸馏方法在线化的色谱模拟蒸馏在线分析仪,在国外还处于起步阶段,而在国内则属空白。

    But because of high temperature operation , trace sample enter and faint characteristic of signal , chromatographic simulated distillation on-line analyzer still at the starting stage abroad , and belong to the blank in China .