
pú chéng
  • Pucheng;a surname
蒲城[pú chéng]
  1. 宋朝陈襄在福建蒲城做县令时,县尉抓了一批嫌疑犯,但不能确定其中谁是小偷。

    When Chen Xiang served as the head of the Pucheng county1 , Fujian province in Song Dynasty , he once arrested a group of suspects , but could not tell which one was the thief .

  2. 首次用GC-MS法对陕西蒲城产扁桃油的脂肪酸组成进行了分析,并对扁桃油的理化特性进行了表征。

    The fatty acids composition in Shannxi Pucheng almond oil was also analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrum ( GC-MS ) first .

  3. 蒲城电厂空冷超临界直流炉的EDTA清洗冷轧带钢电解清洗设备的设计与实践

    Chemical cleaning with EDTA of supercritical air-cooling unit in Pucheng Power Plant Design and Practice of Electrolytic Cleaning of Cold Rolled Strip

  4. 蒲城1025t/h锅炉PAX旋流燃烧器结焦问题的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Coking Problem of PAX Swirl Burner for 1025t / h Boiler in Pucheng

  5. 我们对蒲城发电厂1100t/h亚临界直流炉配备的两台电动给水泵进行了特性试验,求取了相关的曲线。

    Performance test has been conducted for two motor-driven feedwater pumps of 1100t / h subcritical once-through boiler , Pucheng Power Station , coherent curves have been obtained .

  6. 本文对蒲城至东风、昆明、上海三条传播路径bpl地波场强监测数据进行了统计分析。

    This paper analyses the statistical data of monitoring the BPL groundwave field intensty on the three paths from Pucheng to dongfeng , Kunming and shanghai .

  7. 蒲城方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区的陕西关中方言片。

    Pucheng dialect belongs to the Guanzhong sub-dialect of the Zhongyua .

  8. 蒲城12500户用户发展项目设计思路回顾

    The Design Review of Users Development Item about Pucheng 12,500 Households

  9. 区域农业可持续发展的现状与策略分析&以陕西省蒲城县为例

    Analysis on Current Situation and Strategy of Regional Agricultural Sustainable Development

  10. 蒲城县农业环境污染问题及治理对策

    Environmental pollution of agriculture in Pucheng county and harnessing strategies

  11. 蒲城电厂黄土地基自重湿陷性质的试验研究

    On the Collapsible Loess Foundation in Pucheng Power Plant

  12. 陕西省蒲城县种植业结构调整及区域布局探索

    Plantation Structure Adjusting and Regional Layout Exploration in Pucheng County , Shaanxi Province

  13. 陕西省蒲城县种植业区域布局的探讨

    Discussion on the Regional Distribution of Planting Industry in Pucheng , Shaanxi Province

  14. 保护、传承、发展&对陕西蒲城县地域建筑文化的研究

    Protection · Inheritance · Development & to Shanxi Pucheng County Region Construction Culture Research

  15. 陕西蒲城方言研究

    A Study of Pucheng Dialect of Shaanxi Province

  16. 蒲城发电有限责任公司2号发电机内冷水系统改造

    Retrofitting of Generator Internal Cooling Water System in Pucheng Power Generation Ltd. , Unit 2

  17. 农电生产服务系统在蒲城电网的应用及效果分析

    Application of Rural Electricity Production Service System in Pucheng Power Grid and Its Effect Analysis

  18. 蒲城县农村儿童意外伤害现况及影响因素研究

    Study on Epidemiological Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Unintentional Injuries among Children in PuCheng County

  19. 本文通过田野调查,第一次对蒲城方言做了全面系统的记录。

    Through field work , investigate Pucheng dialect and record it widely for the first time .

  20. 酥梨是蒲城县的一项主导产业,栽植面积0.8万公顷,年产值2亿多元,是南部灌区农民增收的主要来源,农村稳定的重要因素。

    Production of pear as one of the dominant industry in Pucheng county , cultivated area 80,000 ha .

  21. 蒲城方言的量词贫乏,但是量词个的用法很广泛。

    The measure words of Pucheng dialect are lacking , but the usage of measure word Ge is wide .

  22. 该职位在位于陕西省的蒲城县、化县、乡县、县和榆林工作。

    Based in Pucheng County , Chunhua County , Xixiang County , Jia County and Yulin of Shaanxi Province .

  23. 对陕西蒲城县和渭南市临渭区5个不同年龄阶段815头秦川母牛的5项体尺和体重性状进行了主成分分析。

    The5 body measurements and weight of815 Qinchuan cows at five different age phases are studied by principal component analysis .

  24. 蒲城电厂1号汽轮机主汽阀及调节汽阀静态关闭时间测试及分析

    Static Closing Time Test Analysis of Main Steam Valve Regulation Steam Valve in No. 1 Steam Turbine , Pucheng Power Station

  25. 经调查发现,该货车上运载的烟花是由中国西北部陕西省蒲城县的一家公司所生产。

    Investigations found that the fireworks the vehicle was carrying were produced by a firm registered in Pucheng County of northwest China 's Shaanxi Province .

  26. 卤阳湖位于陕西省富平县-蒲城县之间,历史时期水面宽广,现为盐碱滩地。

    Luyang Lake is located in Fuping County , Shaanxi Province which had broad water surface in historical periods and it is a saline beach now .

  27. 蒲城方言的语音系统:蒲城方言包括零声母在内共有28个声母,47个韵母,4个单字调。

    The phonological system of Pucheng dialect : There are 28 initials including the zero initial in Pucheng dialect , and 47 finals and 4 tones in Pucheng dialect .

  28. 八十年代初,根据中国科学院3262工程的要求,为了进行高精度的时间频率传递,国家授时中心在临潼与蒲城之间建立了微波中继通讯系统。

    The microwave relay communication system had been build at NTSC in during initial period of 1980 ' s. Time and frequency transfer via the microwave system for more than 20 years .

  29. 蒲城发电有限责任公司采用高纯酸碱替代工业酸碱用于离子交换树脂的再生,取得良好效果。

    By adopting highly pure acid and alkali to substitute industrial acid and alkali for regeneration of ion exchange resin in Pucheng Power-Generation Co Ltd , a good effectiveness has been obtained .

  30. 运用描写语言学、对比语言学、历史语言学的研究方法,对蒲城方言的语音、词汇、语法系统进行了客观分析,总结出蒲城方言的特点。

    At the some time , adopt the method of descriptive linguistics , contrastive linguistics and historical linguistics , objectively analyze the phonological , lexical and grammatical systems , and conclude the characteristics of Pucheng dialect .