
  • 网络calceolaria
  1. 对蒲包花来说,基质中堆肥比例应较低,可用50%C1与泥炭或CS混合,也可以用25%C2与泥炭或CS混合使用。

    For calceolaria , the substrate should have a lower proportion of compost , C1 at up to 50 % and C2 at up to 25 % , both mixed with peat or CS .

  2. 金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

    Snapdragons , calceolaria , and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly .

  3. 蒲包花是重要的园林植物。

    Calceolaria crenatiflora is an important horticultural plant .

  4. 蒲包花一种蒲包花属植物,产自墨西哥到南美地区,因其艳丽的、有小斑点的拖鞋状花朵而广为栽培。

    Any of various plants of the genus Calceolaria native from Mexico to South America and widely cultivated for their showy , speckled , slipper-shaped flowers .