
  • 网络Montpellier;montpelier;Montpellier HSC
  1. 即将在法国蒙彼利埃召开的会议源自去年11月份在韩国首尔召开的G20峰会。

    The meeting in Montpellier , France , stems from last November 's G20 summit in Seoul , South Korea .

  2. Transavia将把阿姆斯特丹的荷兰家庭飞送到蒙彼利埃旅行;

    Transavia will fly Dutch families from Amsterdam to Montpellier ;

  3. 评委之一蒙彼利埃市执行长WilliamFraser用笔尖挑着鞋子,好像侦探取证时害怕沾染证物一样。

    Judge William Fraser , who is Montpelier 's city manager , held one up using the tip of a pen , like a crime scene investigator trying not to taint the evidence .

  4. 警方正在追捕杀害蒙彼利埃夫人的凶手。

    Police still searching for the murderer of Madame de montpellier .

  5. 我在蒙彼利埃上寄宿学校的时候玩过障碍马赛

    I rode steeplechase when I was in boarding school at Montpelier .

  6. 蒙彼利埃夫人的床睡过两个人?

    But Madame de montpellier 's bed was slept in by two people ?

  7. 他的父亲曾是蒙彼利埃伯爵。

    His father was the Count of Montpellier .

  8. 她与莱耶指挥的蒙彼利埃管弦乐团合作灌录了舒曼的协奏曲及舒曼夫人的协奏曲,该唱片获《音乐杂志》颁发大奖。

    She was awarded a prize by Musica for the disc of Robert Schumann 's Concerto and Clara Schumann 's with the Montpellier Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Friedemann Layer .

  9. 萨利诺大学和博洛尼亚大学、蒙彼利埃大学的医科教育的发展在教学书籍和授课方法等为牛津大学和剑桥大学医学学科的建立提供了很多参考。

    The development of medical education in the Salerno University , the Bologna University and the Montpellier University provided the Oxford University and the Cambridge University with consultation on books and teaching ways .

  10. 同时,位于蒙彼利埃的法国国家医疗研究所(蒙彼利埃同时也是佛蒙特的首府,嘘,呵呵)发现,每天喝咖啡因饮料能够帮助年纪大的人记住更多的名字和单词。

    Also , studies from the French National Institute of Medical Research of Montpelier ( which is also the capitol of Vermont -- booyah ) found that drinking caffeine daily may help aging adults better remember names and words .