
  • 网络Comparative Sociology;vergleichende Soziologie;Karen Mundy
  1. 比较社会学:社会学与人类学的互动

    Comparative sociology : interactions between sociology and anthropology

  2. 现代的比较社会学,正是在社会学与人类学的互动下而得以发展起来的;

    Modern comparative sociology has just achieved progress in the interactions between sociology and anthropology ;

  3. 诘难的反思:从李约瑟命题证伪到比较社会学方法

    A reflection on the arguments : from the falsification of " Needham Problem " to the method of comparative sociology

  4. 韦伯;比较法律社会学;中国法律传统;多值逻辑。

    Max Weber ; comparative legal sociology ; Chinese legal tradition ; many-valued logic .

  5. 集团诉讼问题研究&一个比较法社会学的分析

    A Study on the Issues of Class Action : An Analysis from the perspective of legal sociology

  6. 比较教育和社会学的关系史及其分析

    An Analysis of the Relationship between Comparative Education and Sociology

  7. 行政指导的权力性&比较法和社会学意义上的考察

    Governmental Power in Administrative Guidance

  8. 作为一个比较抽象的社会学概念,共同体在理论层面上受到的关注比在实践层面上多得多。

    As a relatively abstract sociological concept , " Community " has been concerned more at the practical level than the theoretical level .

  9. 本文按时间顺序展开论述,拟运用风格学、比较学和社会学等美术史学方法进行较为全面和深入细致的分析研究,探讨林风眠戏曲画独特的艺术价值。

    This disquisition dissertate on time sequence , intending to make use of the art doctrine of comparative value 、 sociology 、 history , etc.

  10. 第一节从比较法和法社会学视角论证过错责任原则的适用。

    It argues the application of fault liability principle from the view of comparation and social law .

  11. 文章运用比较法学、法社会学及经济学的研究方法,通过对美国公司董事商业决策权的制约与保护机制进行分析研究,提出完善我国公司法的建议。

    The main methodologies used in this thesis include Comparative Legal analysis , Sociological Analysis of Law as well as Economic Analysis .

  12. 论文研究理论基础为科学哲学、技术哲学、科技政策比较研究、科学社会学、科学社会主义理论与实践等。采用的方法为文献索引、技术研究等方法。

    Theoretical basis for scientific research , technical philosophy , science and technology , and philosophy of science research and policy comparison of sociology , scientific socialism theory and practice , etc. Using the methods of document indexing , and technical research methods .

  13. 历史比较法是发展社会学一个重要的研究方法,通过对中国和巴西乡村发展的比较,可以更好地加深对中国三农问题的认识,为中国的乡村发展提供借鉴和启示。

    The comparative study in rural development is still singularly between China and Brazil . The comparative method is an important kind of research method in sociology of development , and that will expand existing apprehension of " agriculture , farmer and rural area " .

  14. 比较分析法:通过比较材料学和社会学中对韧的理解,推衍说明二者的内在规律,进一步放大韧变能力在企业竞争力中的价值。

    Comparative analysis : by comparing the materials science and sociology to " tough " understanding , encompassing both internal laws of note , the ability to further enlarge Perseverance and Flexibility in the value of the competitiveness of enterprises .

  15. 从三个方面对西方社会学发展史上三位经典社会学家的主要的社会学思想进行较为深入的比较,希图通过这种比较来揭示西方社会学思想发展的内在逻辑与理论脉络。

    This article compares the main sociological thoughts of three classical sociologists in the history of Western Sociological development from three aspects more thoroughly , and tries to bring to light the internal logic and theoretical thread of Western Sociological Thoughts ' development through this kind of comparison .