
  1. 蒙古族地方性知识的结构极其复杂,但它具有适应于所处环境的禀赋,作为蒙古族游牧文化地方性知识重要组成部分,蒙古族游牧经济地方性知识也有其适应本土的内在规律。

    Mongolian nomadic economy , as an important part of local knowledge of Mongolian nomadic culture , has its inherent laws of existence and development of adaption of the local .

  2. 我国蒙古羊系统主要地方绵羊品种遗传分化的研究

    Study on Genetic Differentiation of the Main Native Sheep Breeds of Mongolia Sheep Group in China

  3. 首先阐述了本文选题目的和意义,以及国内外研究现状,研究思路和研究方法。其次,对游牧经济、蒙古族游牧经济、地方性知识、蒙古族地方性知作了初步的概念界定。

    First of all , the paper shows the purpose and significance of the paper , as well as domestic and international researching situation , researching ideas and methods . Secondly , nomadic economy ﹑ Mongolian nomadic economy ﹑ local knowledge and Mongolian local knowledge are defined initially .

  4. 第一章、主要阐述了科尔沁蒙古族节庆文化的定型条件。它是在蒙古文化传承中孕育,在汉文化和佛教文化影响下定型为有别于其他蒙古地方的特殊性的节庆文化。

    In chapter I , the author interpreted mainly about the stereotypes condition of Horqin Mongolian cultural heritage and influenced by the Chinese culture and Buddhist culture .