
  • 网络saratoga;Saratoga Springs;Saratoga, New York
  1. 来自萨拉托加跳伞队的迪恩·麦克唐纳(DeanMcDonald)说,目前为止,坎宁安是他最年长的跳伞搭档。

    Dean McDonald of Saratoga Skydiving says Cunningham is his oldest jump partner yet .

  2. SinclairSchuller之所以在萨拉托加创立起他的云计算初创公司Apprenda,是因为此地为“最佳位置”——拥有受过良好教育的劳动力队伍,从蒙特利尔市、纽约市和波士顿到萨拉托加都只有几个小时的车程。

    Sinclair Schuller established Apprenda , his cloud-computing start-up , in Saratoga because it is in a " sweet spot " : boasting an educated workforce , and just a few hours " drive from Montreal , New York City and Boston .

  3. 可以说,萨拉托加已回归本源了。

    Arguably , the area has returned to its roots .

  4. 萨拉托加走I-87道能直达

    Saratoga . That 's a straight shot up I-87 .

  5. 她在萨拉托加举目无亲

    She dosen 't know anyone in Saratoga .

  6. 因为奋起反抗的美国人在萨拉托加战役中打了第一场胜仗

    when the rebels got their first great victory at the Battle Of Saratoga .

  7. 然而,直到最近,萨拉托加还没有什么其他方面值得一去的。

    Yet , until recently , Saratoga did not have much else going for it .

  8. 靠近萨拉托加在纽约

    Near Saratoga . In New York .

  9. 这些侥幸存活下来的士兵在萨拉托加投降后,被分配到了英国军队的主力之中。

    Those that did survive rejoined the main body of British troops after the surrender at Saratoga .

  10. 19世纪,美国的富人们被当地的矿物温泉所吸引,纷纷涌入纽约州萨拉托加这个小镇。

    AMERICA 'S wealthy , lured by the mineral springs , flocked to Saratoga during the 19th century .

  11. 鱼赛船会的第23年度头展示2.5英里功课,到划划船的俱乐部和萨拉托加的萨拉托加弹簧共同招待协会。

    The23rd annual head of the fish Regatta features a2.5 mile course , co-hosted by the Saratoga Springs rowing club and the Saratoga rowing association .

  12. 萨拉托加战役胜利后,法国承认了美国的独立,并同意与美军结成联盟共同抵御英国。

    After this victory , the French recognized the independence of the United States and agreed to form an alliance with the Americans against the British .

  13. 还有约克敦和萨拉托加的英雄们,这些年轻的美国人在诺曼底海滩和更大的战场上抛头颅洒热血。

    Memorials to the heroes of Yorktown and Saratoga , to young Americans who shed their blood on the shores of Normandy and the fields beyond .

  14. 跳伞地点位于甘斯沃尔特的萨拉托加。周六,在为跳伞穿上整套服装前,坎宁安亲吻了自己7个月大的玄孙女。

    Cunningham kissed her 7-month-old great-great-granddaughter before suiting up for her 100th birthday jump Saturday at Saratoga Skydiving in Gansevoort ( GANZ ' - voort ) .

  15. 1777年10月,13个殖民地第一次联合举办了感恩节庆典,这也是对萨拉托加一役中战胜英国人所取得的爱国主义的胜利的纪念。

    October of 1777 marked the first time that all 13 colonies joined in a thanksgiving celebration . It also commemorated the patriotic victory over the British at Saratoga .

  16. 你们的一位曾祖签署过《独立宣言》,另一位是华盛顿参谋部的一名将军,他在萨拉托加之役后接受了伯戈因将军的投降。

    One of your great-grandfathers signed the Declaration , and another was a general on Washington 's staff , and received General Burgoyne 's sword after the battle of Saratoga .

  17. 据说交战时期的莫霍克族和莫西干族只在一件事上能达成共识:不告诉欧洲早期殖民者萨拉托加有“康复泉”。

    The story goes that the warring Mohawk and Mohican tribes could agree on just one thing : not to tell early European settlers about the healing springs of Saratoga .

  18. 尽管大州府区的院校林立,五大县也正好分布于萨拉托加周围,但是过去这一带的工作机会极少,如今的情况不一样了。

    Although colleges and universities crowd the Greater Capital Region of New York , the five-county spread where Saratoga sits , there were few jobs around . Things are different now .

  19. 1777年9月19日,战斗在纽约的萨拉托加打响,10月17日,英国将领约翰伯格将军向美方将军霍雷肖盖茨投降。

    The battles fought at Saratoga , New York , on September 19 and October 17 , 1777 , resulted in the surrender of the British army commanded by General John Burgoyne to U.S. General Horatio Gates .

  20. 发明这种快速手机充电器的是来自美国萨拉托加的18岁少女伊莎-卡瑞,她将其称为超级电容器。本周,她因为此项发明在菲尼克斯获得了由英特尔国际科学工程大奖赛授予的5万美金奖励。

    The super-fast charging device has been dubbed a supercapacitor by 18-year-old Esha Khare , of Saratoga - as she took home $ 50000 from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair , which took place in Phoenix this week .

  21. 由于萨拉托加经济开发公司于2005年的一次意外造访,该地区被选定为一家半导体厂商“全球晶圆”的理想建厂地,要在萨拉托加森林区(见上图)建成一座耗资46亿美元,面积达两百万平方英尺的园区。

    Thanks to a cold call placed by the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation in 2005 , pitching the area as an ideal site for a factory , GlobalFoundries , a semiconductor manufacturer , is building a $ 4.6 billion , 2m-square-foot campus in a Saratoga forest ( above ) .