
  • 网络SAGEM;Sagemcom
  1. 萨基姆集团是一家立足于高科技的国际性公司,2003年实现销售收入3180000000欧元和运营收入168000000欧元。

    Sagem group is an internationally based high-technology group that enjoyed consolidated sales of eur3.180 billion in2003 and operating income of eur168 million .

  2. 赛峰集团是2005年喷气式飞机引擎制造商斯奈克玛公司和电子防务集团萨基姆“被迫联姻”的产物,此后损失惨重,最近才有所起色。

    Safran itself has only recently emerged from a disastrous period after it was created in 2005 by a forced marriage of SNECMA ( a successful maker of jet engines ) and Sagem , a defence-electronics group .