- lamella;mediotrastum

The dehydrogenase activity from the tissues of the stipe and between the stipe and pileus is higher than the lamella and context tissues during young growth of the fructification .
The results showed that the lamella was the most optimum isolated parts for the mycelium culture , the highest probability of success reached to 100 % . Hawthorn-extracting of bran and original mycelium of Jew 's ear was the best isolated culture medium .
The lowest enzyme activity appeared in gill and higher activities in pileus and stipe .
The results also showed that stipe , mycorrhizae , and soil with the fungi are not fit for Tricholoma matsutake isolation .
But in this case , the gills grow faster and spread earlier . This is not conducive to the stored of fruiting body nutrients .
Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae . relating to or characterized by basidia .
Among several parts of ? Ganoderma ? Fruit body , the pleat , followed by the stem and the cap , has the highest content of selenium .
Under Polluted conditions , the lead content of stipe was significantly higher than gill and cap , but the distribution of Cd is still the same with Pollution-free .
The results showed that separative rate of lamellae of fruit body was the highest , which was 50 % , separative rate of context and stipe bottom was 15 % respectively , and separative rate of bordering and center of top-center part of stipe was 10 % respectively ;
Among several parts of ? Ganoderma ? fruit body , the pleat , followed by the stem and the cap , has the highest content of selenium . Result : The Result indicated Ganoderma lucidum is capable of enriching chromium and has a high yield ratio of mycelium .