
  • 网络bacterial suspension
  1. 微波灭菌效果受多方面因素影响,菌悬液浓度、葡萄糖浓度、NaCl浓度都会影响微波灭菌效果,均表现为浓度越高,微波灭菌时间越长。

    The effect of microwave sterilization was affected by various factors . The higher the concentration of bacterial suspension , glucose and NaCl , the longer the time of microwave complete sterilization .

  2. 为了解血清灭活与否对部分细菌存活的影响,将试验菌悬液直接与血清或PBS混匀,或染于布片上再用溶液洗脱并混匀,进行活菌回收计数。

    In order to know the influence of inactivated and un-inactivated serum on survival of bacteria , the bacterial suspension was mixed directly with serum or PBS solution or was used to contaminate the cloth strip , followed by washing with the PBS solution and mixing .

  3. 1995年7&9月,以养殖中国对虾为材料,实验室用弧菌菌悬液注射感染对虾,血清中测得一定量的酚氧化酶(PO)。

    From July to September 1995 , phenoloxidase ( PO ) activity was measured after cultured shrimps were challenged by Vibrio SPP .

  4. 用IgG2次标记金黄色葡萄球菌A蛋白(SPA)制成致敏的SPA菌悬液,用SPA协同凝集试验检测病鸡羽毛囊中MD特异性抗原。

    The SPA tagged twice by IgG , together with agglutination test , was used to detect the specific antigen of MDV in feather follicle .

  5. 采用正交设计试验法对稀碱法提取酵母RNA工艺过程中的菌悬液浓度、稀碱浓度、反应时间和沉淀剂用量等因素进行了研究。

    The process of isolation yeast RNA by the dilute alkali method The influence factors Which are the concentration of yeast and alkali as well as reaction time etc. were investigated by means of the optimization test .

  6. 方法将特定浓度的S型菌悬液分别与R型菌液混合后注射于小白鼠和犬体内,20~25天后解剖取小鼠局部淋巴结、肝、脾及犬脾进行培养、分离及鉴定。

    Methods Smooth - B.abortus 104M , B.melitensis Rev-1 and B.suis mixed with Rough - B.canis RM6 / 66 were injected to mice and dogs respectively . After 20-25 days the spleen , liver , lymphonodus of these animals were cultivated for culture and identification of bacteria .

  7. 最终确定以0.5%(v/v)的福尔马林溶液在28℃下处理48h为最佳灭活条件,所用的菌悬液浓度为2.5×109cfu/mL。

    The results show that the most appropriate method for inactivation of the bacterium was treatment of bacteria suspension ( 2.5 × 109cfu / mL ) with 0.5 % formalin at 28 ℃ for 48h .

  8. 从全国15个省份采取来自不同植物根际的土样,制成菌悬液后煮沸15min,涂布无氮平板以分离固氮芽孢杆菌。

    They were made into suspensions and seethed for 15 min , then plated on nitrogen-free medium in order to isolate nitrogen - fixing bacillus .

  9. 存活者24h时上述症状部分缓解,72h基本恢复正常;提前给予双歧杆菌菌悬液灌胃的幼鼠症状较模型组轻,且恢复快。

    The symptoms mentioned above of survivor after 24h were partly relieved and after 72h were recovered to normal . The infant rats administered intragastrically with bifidobacteria 7 days in advance appeared slight symptom , and recovered quickly .

  10. 30d小鼠生存率:用1×109CFU/ml双歧杆菌菌悬液灌肠28d后,用一次性8.0Gy60Coγ射线全身照射,建立急性放射损伤模型,每日上下午各观察小鼠1次,记录死亡动物数和死亡日期。

    The 30 survival rate was tested and reported after the bifidobacterium suspension coloclysis of 1 × 109CFU / ml and 5.0 Gy ray to establish acute radiation damage pattern number in every day .

  11. 菌悬液终浓度为(0.4 ̄5)×106cfu/mL,孵育温度35℃,培养时间5 ̄7d。

    Compacta and 16 strains of P. verrucosa . The media containing the fungi in the concentrations of ( 0.4 ~ 5 ) × 106 CFU / mL were incubated at 35 ℃ for 5 ~ 7 days .

  12. 菌悬液含体积分数为25%的小牛血清时,作用时间需延长至6min。

    When the bacterial suspension con - tained 25 % by volume of calf serum , it was necessary to prolong the contact time to 6 min.

  13. 高温存放14d,菌悬液中加有蛋白胨、小牛血清或营养肉汤,对其抑菌效果影响较小。

    Storing of the cloth at high tem - perature for l4 days and addition of peptone , calf serum or nutrient broth to the bacterial ( fungal ) suspension presented little influence on the bacteriostatic / fungistatic efficacy .

  14. 研究结果表明最佳诱变条件为:稀释液选用生理盐水,菌悬液浓度为106个/mL,照射时间为45s,微波强度为低火。

    The experiment shows that the optimum conditions are physiological brine as diluent , irradiate 45 s , low strength of microwave , and 10 ~ 6 / mL of bacteria suspension concentration .

  15. 结果显示,EB-28菌悬液在盆栽植株试验中对马铃薯晚疫病的防效达到74.22%,显著高于其在离体叶片上的防效55.68%。

    The results showed that control efficacy of the bacterial suspension on potted plant trials could be 74.22 % , which was significant higher than that on detached-leaf trials ( 55.68 % ) .

  16. 结果显示,最佳培养条件为30℃、pH7、48h。试验分别测试了EB-28菌悬液及无菌体培养液在离体叶片与盆栽马铃薯上对马铃薯晚疫病的防治效果。

    The results showed that the optimum culture condition was under 30 ℃ and at pH 7 for 48 h.Control effects on potato late blight ( PLB ) of the bacterial suspension and the filtrate of strain EB-28 were tested on detached-leaf trials and potted plant trials .

  17. 3天后,对两组中的豚鼠的一侧背部分别用擦皮法和皮下注射法接种菌悬液(浓度为2×106CFU),另外一侧接种0.9%的生理盐水做对照组,10天后观察结果。

    Three days later , using wiping skin method and the subcutaneous injection method to inoculate the fungal suspend solution on one side back of guinea pigs ( concentration is 2 × 106 CFU ), another side to be inoculated 0.9 % Nacl .

  18. 比较了11个菌株菌悬液的杀虫活性。

    Insecticidal activities of fermentation suspension of eleven strains were compared .

  19. 实验中,二氧化氯对菌悬液及其生物被膜的杀菌效果、灭菌速度上略优于次氯酸钠。

    Chlorine dioxide was better than sodium hypochlorite in germicidal efficacy .

  20. 微生物验证试验中枯草芽孢杆菌菌悬液制备的探讨

    Research on Preparation Methods of Bacillus Subtilis Suspension in Microbial Validation Test

  21. 螺旋平板法在菌悬液计数及食品和化妆品菌落总数检测中的应用

    Determination of Total Bacterial Counts in Foods and Cosmetics by Spiral Plate Count Method

  22. 两种激光辐照方式中,生理盐水菌悬液辐照方式诱变效果较好。

    Among the two ways of He-Ne laser irradiation , irradiation on bacteria suspension in physiological salt water appeared more effective in activation .

  23. 结论细菌鞭毛染色过程中菌悬液的浓度、菌悬液的处理时间、制片方法以及染色时间的长短等条件影响鞭毛染色效果。

    Conclusion The concentration and handing time of suspension , slide-making method and staining time are important factors for an ideal flagellum staining .

  24. 结论免疫抑制小鼠经尾静脉注射菌悬液可成功制作马拉色菌系统性感染小鼠动物模型。

    Conclusion Malassezia systemic infection animal model may be successfully made in the immunosuppressive mice of which Malassezia suspension is injected into coccygeal vein .

  25. 菌悬液中含小牛血清体积分数25%以上,对其杀菌效果有明显影响。

    Coli in average and if the bacterial suspension contained higher than 25 % volume of calf serum , the germicidal efficacy was influenced significantly .

  26. 用于提取的菌悬液D550nm范围0.090~0.252.该方法提取效率为细胞碎片法的97.83%。

    Oxydans suspension ranged between 0.090 ~ 0.252 . The efficiency of extraction with Triton X-100 was 97.83 % using the method of cellular membrane fraction .

  27. 目的观察不同稀释液配制的菌悬液滴染菌片,对载体回收菌量和杀菌效果的影响。

    Objective To observe the influence of bacterial carriers instilled with bacterial suspensions prepared with different diluents on bacterial count recovered from the carriers and germicidal efficacy .

  28. 使用所研制的水不溶性杀菌剂与异养菌悬液作用,用量6mg/mL时杀菌率可达到98.3%,除硬率达84.8%。

    The bactericidal rate and hardness removal rates reached 98.3 % % and 84.8 % respectively at a dosage of 6 mg / mL in testing a heterotrophic bacteria suspension by the synthesized bactericide .

  29. 为判定平板菌落自动识别计数软件的功能及其影响因素,用不同菌悬液进行了活菌计数实验。

    In order to assess the function of the software for automatic identification and counting of the bacterial colonies on plate , experiment on viable bacteria counting was carried out us - ing different bacterial suspensions .

  30. 豚鼠感染实验:制备4株肉芽肿株和4株体癣株菌悬液,糖皮质激素免疫干预后,行皮肤表面和皮下两种接种方式接种等量菌悬液,观察皮损。

    Guinea pig infection experiments : Preparation bacterial suspension of 4 granuloma strains and 4 tinea strains . glucocorticoid immunization intervention , inoculate the same amount of bacterial suspension by the skin surface and subcutaneous inoculation methods , observe lesions .