
  • 网络Rongcheng Bay
  1. 山东荣成湾沿岸输沙率及沙嘴的演化动态

    The calculation of alongshore silt discharge rates and evolution development of sandspit in the Rongcheng bay , shandong Peninsula

  2. 本文以山东半岛荣成湾附近投放的牡蛎壳人工礁为主要研究对象,重点研究其生态效应与其生态系统服务价值评价。

    We studied the ecological effects and investigated the ecosystem services of the artificial oyster shell reef in Rongcheng Bay eastern in Shandong Peninsula .

  3. 月湖,又称天鹅湖,位于山东半岛最东端荣成湾顶的西南侧。

    Yuehu , known also as Swan Lake , lies in the southwestern part of RongchengBay , eastern Shandong Peninsula .