
  • style
  1. 她有她的女王范儿。

    She has her own Queen style .

  2. 现在我已经会用它了,比如用来放大APP的图标,然后你就突然有了非常“苹果范儿”的感觉。

    Now that I 've been able to actually use it - to zoom in on a section of app icons , for example , consequently enlarging them - the experience suddenly became very Apple-like .

  3. 红色口红可以让衣服立刻显得很有范儿

    Red lipstick can pull any outfit together , instantly

  4. “职业女性”范儿

    Working the " office lady " look

  5. 但只要说起开萨博的人,人们脑海中总会出现一群穿灯心绒夹克和地球牌旅游鞋的英伦教授范儿的大叔&可见它的客户群并不广泛。

    While its owners may have reveled in being described as " quirky , " their image never extended much beyond that of the corduroy jacket , earth shoe wearing English professor & not a broad base from which to build .