
pínɡ ɡuǒ fǔ
  • preserved apples
  1. 将该低糖苹果脯装入高密度聚乙烯袋或蒸煮袋中,经100℃、15min的常压蒸煮杀菌后,保质期在30℃恒温下达到4个月以上。

    The candied apples are packed with the materials of HDPE or foil laminated film and sterilized at the temperature of 100 ℃ for 15 min , then the shelf-life of the candied apples can be over four months under the condition of constant temperature of 30 ℃ .

  2. 低糖无硫苹果脯工艺技术的研究

    Study on the processing of the low sugar and non-sulfur candied apple

  3. 低糖苹果脯保藏性的探讨

    Study on the preservation of the low-sweet candied apple

  4. 中草药提取液对低糖苹果脯保质期的影响

    Effects of Herbal Extractions on Low-sugar Candied Apple Preservation

  5. 提高苹果脯质量的关键性技术研究

    Key technique in improving the quality of candied apple

  6. 低糖苹果脯保存技术研究

    Study on Preservation Technology of Low-sugar Candied Apples

  7. 预处理及微波渗糖对苹果脯加工的影响研究

    Study on Effects of Various Pretreatments Respectively with Microwave for Sugar Permeability during Processing Sugared Apple

  8. 笔者对苹果脯的真空渗糖技术及其影响因素进行了系统的研究。

    The vacuum sugar permeability processing technology and its influencing factors had been studied in this paper .

  9. 本文研究了苹果脯生产中护色、抽空处理、浸渍等关键工序对产品质量的影响。

    The effect of sulphuring , vacuum treatment and soaking on the quality of candied apples was studied .

  10. 实验结果表明,以硫处理作为预处理,结合微波低档条件渗糖进行苹果脯加工的产品品质指标最佳。

    The results showed that the ways of pretreatment with sulfuring and sugar permeability with low power microwave were optimal .

  11. 在传统工艺生产果脯的基础上,研究了用真空渗糖工艺来加工苹果脯,并确定了最佳生产工艺。

    Based on the traditional technology of preserved fruits , the processing technology of low-sugar preserved apple with sugar-dipping in vacuum was discussed and the optimum processing technology was determined .

  12. 该方法适用于苹果及苹果脯中铁、锌、钙、镁、钠、钾等多种元素的测定。

    The method can be applied to simultaneous determination of the content of Fe , Zn , Cu , Ca , Mg , Na , K in apple samples .

  13. 罗宋汤可以用烘烤过的苹果和熏鹅脯来提味。

    Borscht can be spiced up with roasted apples and smoked goose breast .