
  • 网络Phenyltrichlorosilane;phenyl trichlorosilane;PhSiCl3
  1. 文中论述了苯基氯硅烷的清洁生产工艺,提出了用格氏法合成苯基三氯硅烷的研发思路,从根本上解决传统方法能耗高、副产物多,环境污染的缺点。

    The thesis discusses the phenyl chlorine silane cleaner production technologies , and puts forward the synthesis of phenyl trichlorosilane technical route through the application Grignard reaction which can solve shortcomings of traditional methods , that is high energy consumption , more by-products , and environment pollution . 2 .

  2. 本论文旨在综合利用多晶硅产业的副产物四氯化硅SiC14,采用格氏法工艺,研究合成苯基三氯硅烷。

    This thesis aims at the comprehensive utilization of polysilicon industry by-products , using grignard technology to synthesize phenyl trimethoxysilane silane .

  3. 本文利用苯基三氯硅烷和硅胶表面羟基反应制备了苯基化硅胶。

    The phenylated silica gel has been prepared by the reaction between the surface hydroxyl groups of silica gel and phenyl trichlorosilane .

  4. 其主要工艺流程是:首先合成苯基氯化镁,再以苯基氯化镁和四氯化硅为原料合成苯基三氯硅烷。

    The technological process is as follows : First , synthesize phenyl magnesium chloride . Second , phenyl trimethoxysilane silane is synthesized by Grignard method with phenyl magnesium chloride and four chlorinated silicon as raw material .