
  • 网络SUSIE;Susi;suzie;Suzy
  1. 苏茜,你真是个坚决的小家伙。

    Susie , you 're a determined little devil .

  2. 苏茜:我要去售货亭买点饮料。

    Susie : I am going to the kiosk for a beverage .

  3. 苏茜:他爸爸当然是我的叔叔。

    Sue : her father is my uncle , of course .

  4. 苏茜:我确实需要来点点心。

    Sue : I sure could use a pick me up .

  5. 苏茜,你有什么想先问的吗?

    Susie , do you have something you want to ask first ?

  6. 苏茜,你能概括一下要点吗?

    Susie , could you recap the main points ?

  7. 苏茜:你可以叫它沉迷,但我把它叫做奉献!

    Susie : You can call it obsession , but I call it devotion !

  8. 苏茜:我不需要看到戏的每一个段落。

    Susie : I don 't need to see every part of the play .

  9. 母亲:“苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。”

    Mother : " Susie , every time you misbehave , I get another gray hair . "

  10. 苏茜:“天哪,妈,那你肯定一直都表现很糟。看看外婆吧。”

    Susie : " Gosh , mom , you must have been a terror.Just look at Grandma . "

  11. 苏茜:天哪,妈妈,那你肯定一直都表现很糟。看看外婆吧!

    Susie : Gosh , mom , you must have been a terror ! Just look at grandma !

  12. 幽默母亲:“苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。”

    Humor Mother : " Susie , every time you misbehave , I get another gray hair . "

  13. 苏茜:我倒不没那么饿。但我渴了,想喝点儿饮料。

    Susie : I am not quite that hungry . But I could use a beverage to quench my thirst .

  14. 苏茜:“没事,爸,跟在你后面的警察也这么转了。”

    Susie : " That ' s okay , Dad , the policeman behind you just did the same thing . "

  15. 当老师朝他走近的时候,一个名叫苏茜的同学正端着一个盛满水的金鱼缸。

    As the teacher is walking toward him , a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water .

  16. 后来,我自己也认识了巴菲特(以及他已逝的第一任妻子苏茜,一个极好的人),意识到这个当时基本上默默无闻的家伙是多么了不起。

    But then I , too , got to know Warren ( and his wonderful late first wife , Susie ) and realized how impressive this largely unknown fellow was .

  17. 如果自己买,他说,那就会给他的三个子女(苏茜、霍华德和彼得)留下同样的难题。

    And to buy it personally , he added , would have at his death burdened his three children Susie , Howard , and Peter Buffett with the same kind of complex considerations .

  18. 苏茜:我也是。真是英雄所见略同.。小卖部卖的小吃也不赖。戈登:英雄所见略同.我也认为那些对这个世界有所帮助的人才是真正的明星。

    Sue : Me too . Great minds think alike . The concession stand was full of wonderful treats as well . Gordon : Great minds think alike ! I also think people who help the world are the real stars .