
  • 网络Aromatic oil;Fragrant Oil
  1. 精油也称为芳香油,它是以香料植物的花、根、叶、茎等为原料,经蒸馏、萃取或压榨等工艺提取的具有香味的油性物质。

    Essential oil , also known as fragrant oil , is a fragrant oily substance extracted from flowers , roots , leaves or stems of perfume plants through the techniques such as distillation , extraction , and compression .

  2. 结果表明:八角机械烘干的干果芳香油含量高,水分含量、碎口率与杀青晒干差异不显著,成品质量达到市场商品要求,但其颜色需经过一定时间后才转变为棕褐色。

    The results showed that : the content of the fragrant oil of the dried fruit was high , the water content , the fragment rate and the degree of water removing were not marked , the colour of the dried fruit did not change into brown within days .

  3. 她沐浴时在浴缸内洒了些芳香油。

    She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils .

  4. 桉叶油是桉树(Eucalyptus)叶腺细胞所分泌出的芳香油,我国桉叶油生产开始于1958年。

    Cineole is aromatic oil secreted from eucalyptus leaves gland cells . Cineole has been produced in China since 1958 .

  5. 这样芳香油便会释放到空气中和你的皮肤上。

    This releases the oils into the air and onto your skin .

  6. 芳香油是一种神秘礼物性质。

    The aromatic oil is a mysterious present from nature .

  7. 分析结果表明产生异味的物质为芳香油。

    The analytical results showed that aromatic hydrocarbons were the troublesome substances .

  8. 紫苏芳香油含量的研究

    Study on the content of aromatic oil of genus perilla

  9. 一种野外用的植物芳香油蒸馏装置

    A distillation apparatus of plant essential oils for fieldwork

  10. 可提取高含量的药物芳香油,从油水分离器中取出。

    High levels of drug aromatic oil can be extracted from the oil-water separator .

  11. 以芳香油和薪材为最终产品的桉树幼林地上部分生物量研究

    Biomass Studies in Young Eucalypt Plantations for Oil and Fuelwood Production in Southwestern China

  12. 不同种源和家系白千层芳香油组分及含量初探

    Study on main chemical compositions of oil of Melaleuca of different seed source and family

  13. 芳香油的分子蒸馏提纯

    Purification of essential oil with molecular distillation

  14. 使用芳香油或芳香喷雾剂。

    Use scented oils or sprays .

  15. 植物中还可以提炼芳香油、香精等用于工业产品,生活用品。

    Plants also can be extracted aromatic oil , fragrance and other industrial products , daily necessities .

  16. 在某些情况下这些芳香油成分在香料工业和药物工业上的利用已经实现。

    In certain cases utilisations of the oil constituents in the aromatic and pharmaceutical industry have been fulfilled .

  17. 采用水蒸气蒸馏法研究了中国和日本各地的33份紫苏试材芳香油的含量。

    The aromatic oil in 33 samples of perilla collected from China and Japan is studied by using steam distillation .

  18. 文章叙述了互叶白千层芳香油的提取方法、化学组分及产品质量控制标准。

    This paper describes the distillation method , the chemical components and the products quality control standard of essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia .

  19. 崂山茶-崂池云峰富含维生素,氨基酸,咖啡碱,多酚类物质及芳香油等多种有益成分。

    Rich in vitamin , amino acids , caffeine , polyphenols and aromatic oil etc , a variety of beneficial ingredients , having good function for health care .

  20. 实验结果表明,在紫苏芳香油积累的高峰期,紫苏试材芳香油的差异性大,气味呈现多样性。

    The result shows that the content of aromatic oil in different samples at the stage of peak of accumulative dynamics are variant as the same as odor of aromatic oil .

  21. 一种类似物质,尤指做药用的芳香膏油;止痛药膏。

    Any of various trees , especially the balsam fir , yielding an aromatic resinous substance .

  22. 用~(13)C-NMR和~1H-NMR波谱法对几种芳香性重质油馏份的结构解析

    Structural analysis of some aromatic heavy fractions by ~ ( 13 ) c-and ~ 1h-nmr spectroscopy

  23. 椰子油系从椰子果实中提取的一种芳香性食用油。

    Department of coconut oil extracted from the coconut fruit of an aromatic oil .

  24. 配搭嘎嘣脆豆芽,吃一口芳香四溢的油饭,所有的味道都汇集在一起了。

    With crunchy bean sprouts , the fragrant , oily rice brings all the flavours together .

  25. 这种材料由聚氨酯、芳香系加工油及其聚合物,以及玻璃粉等组成。

    This material is composed of polyurethane , aromatic process oil and its polymer , and glass powder .

  26. 德国食品监察组织Foodwatch发现,健达巧克力条中含有芳香烃矿物油成分,欧洲食品安全署认为该物质“可能致癌”。

    Germany 's Foodwatch found the Kinder Reigel contained mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons ( MOAH ) , which the European Food Safety Agency has said ' may be carcinogenic ' .

  27. 不同芳香性重馏分油对渣油加氢过程影响的研究

    Effect of Aromatic Heavy Gas Oil on Residue Hydrotreating Reactions

  28. 两种非芳香性磺酸盐驱油剂的合成及应用

    Preparation and application of two novel nonaromatic sulphonate oil-displacing agents

  29. 一种芳香扩散器被用来提升体验中的嗅觉因素,将芳香油变成怡人的香味。

    An aromatic diffuser is employed to amplify the olfactory elements of the experience , turning scented oils into pleasing aromas .