
lú zhú
  • Arundo donax;a variety of edible bamboo
芦竹 [lú zhú]
  • [giantreed] 一种多年生草本植物,秆粗壮,叶片扁平,披针形,圆锥花序。多生长在河岸、路边。茎杆可作轻工业和特种手工业的原料。也叫荻芦竹

  1. 采用花叶芦竹水平潜流人工湿地处理生活污水,对其脱氮性能进行研究。

    The study of the performance of nitrogen removal in horizontal subsurface constructed wetland with Arundo donax var.

  2. 本论文主要利用芦竹为原料,斜卧青霉(Penicilliumdecumbens)为生产菌对纤维素酶的发酵工艺进行了优化。

    Penicillium decumbens was used as producing bacteria and fermentation process has been optimized for the cellulase production .

  3. 较高浓度有机酸、低浓度海泡石和磷石膏可以促进芦竹地上部对As、Cd、Pb的累积。

    The accumulation of As , Cd and Pb in aerial parts of giant reed has obviously improved under the treatments with moderate concentration of organic acids , light concentrations of sepiolite and phosphogypsum , respectively .

  4. 对芦竹SCMP工艺条件进行了研究,实验结果表明:不同预处理条件及盘磨间隙对芦竹SCMP浆性能影响很大。

    The results show that different conditions of pretreatment and gap of refining mill have an important effect on properties of SCMP .

  5. 芦苇/芦竹机械化收获及加工作业基地化集成研究

    Research on the Integration of Reed / Arundo Harvesting and Processing

  6. 由于加入了催化剂,减少了吲哚的聚合,使用无机酸和焦化吲哚极大降低了芦竹碱的成本。

    Because of add catalyst , reduce the polymerization of indole .

  7. 芦竹、芦苇烧碱法混合制浆

    Soda Pulping of the Mixed Giantreed and Reed Raw Material

  8. 芦竹作为清洁生物质能源牧草开发的潜力分析

    Analysis on the potential capacity of exploiting giant reed as an energy forage

  9. 多年生高大木头般的草,茎细而空,特别是芦竹属和芦苇属。

    Tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially of the genera Arundo and phragmites .

  10. 改良剂提高芦竹叶片中过氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性,芦竹中重金属含量增加。

    All amendments improve the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase and concentrations of heavy metals in giant reed .

  11. 对芦竹、芦苇烧碱法混合制浆的蒸煮条件进行了实验,获得了芦竹与芦苇混合蒸煮比较适合的工艺条件,并在横管连续制浆生产中进行了应用。

    This paper investigates the condition of soda pulping of the mixed giantreed and reed raw material , the suitable cooking condi-tion was found and used in Pandia continuous cooking .

  12. 他想芦竹并没起火,照东西不甚可能,何况凄悲是探海灯都照不见的。

    The reeds and bamboo certainly hadn 't caught fire , he thought , so it wasn 't very likely they could shine on anything , and besides " mournful sorrow " was something not even a searchlight could illuminate .

  13. 植物活篱笆恢复紫色土侵蚀沟植被及水土流失特征研究结果:(1)香根草、芦竹栽植半年即可形成植物篱笆,防治水土流失效果显著。

    The research results of vegetation recovery and soil erosion characteristic in corroded ditch of purple soil hills using plant-fencing are : ( 1 ) The balsamroot and giant reed can shape plant-fencing in half of year and the effect of preventing soil erosion is remarkable .

  14. 实验结果表明,芦竹对这3种重金属离子有一定的耐受性,并有不同程度的吸收,Cu2+、Ni2+和Cr6+去除率分别为63.8%,42.3%和34.4%。

    The experimental results show that giantreed has good tolerance and can absorb the heavy metals mentioned above in various degrees . The Cu 2 + , Ni 2 + and Cr 6 + removal rates are 63.8 % , 42.3 % and 34.4 % respectively .