
  • 网络xiangcheng district
  1. 芗城区土地可持续利用研究

    The Study on the Sustainable Land Utilization in Xiangcheng District

  2. 漳州市芗城区2000~2004年食品卫生监测分析

    Analysis on Food Hygiene Surveillance Data in Xiangcheng District of Zhangzhou City from 2000 to 2004

  3. 漳州市芗城区经济适用住房发展对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures for the Development of Affordable Houses in Xiangcheng Region , Zhangzhou City

  4. 当前村镇建设管理工作的探索&以芗城区为例

    An Exploration into current Administrative Work of Villages and Small Towns Construction & take Xiang Cheng district for example

  5. 城镇建设用地适宜性评价信息系统研究&以福建省漳州市芗城区为例

    INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EVALUATION OF URBAN CONSTRUCTION LAND A Case Study of Xiangcheng District of Zhangzhou Municipality , Fujian

  6. 运用问卷调查法,对漳州市芗城区民众的体育锻炼方式与消费现状进行调查分析。

    By using the method of questionnaire investigation , the author analyzes the way of sports and consumption condition in Zhangzhou .

  7. 漳州木版年画主要流传于漳州的芗城区和闽南,岭南一带,并远销台湾地区。

    These Wood-block New Year pictures mainly spread in Xiangcheng of Zhangzhou , Minnan and Lingnan areas . They are even exported to Taiwan .

  8. [目的]了解芗城区食品卫生现状,为今后食品卫生监督监测提供客观依据。

    [ Objective ] To understand the current situation of food hygiene in Xiangcheng district and provide data for food hygiene supervision and inspection in the future .

  9. 本文以可持续发展为指导思想,根据土地可持续利用原则,针对芗城区土地资源特点及土地利用存在的问题,提出区内土地可持续利用的目标及对策。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of land resources and problems existing in land utilization and raises the aims and strategies of sustainable land utilization in Xiangcheng District based on the sustainable development theory .

  10. 漳州芗城区在区域中所承担的作用和地位以及所面临的困难与挑战,决定漳州芗城区的持续发展必须走外延拓展和内涵发展相结合的道路。

    The role and position of Xiangcheng District in the Zhangzhou Area , together with the difficulties and challenges it is facing to determine the fact that the continued development of the Xiangcheng District must adopt thd way of the combination of the extermal expansion and the internal development .

  11. [方法]对芗城区2000~2004年抽查的16类、2746份食品检测资料进行分析。[结果]总合格率为84.96%,标化合格率呈逐年增高趋势;

    [ Methods ] Analysis was made on surveillance data from 2 746 food samples of 16 categories in Xiangcheng district during from 2000 to 2004 . [ Results ] The total qualified rate was 84.96 % , with a rising trend year on year in the standardized qualified rate .