
  1. 节理发育对厚煤层的影响

    Talking about the influence of the joins in thick coal seam

  2. 节理发育泥岩地区边坡光爆损伤范围预测技术

    Prediction of Damage Zone of Smooth Blasting in Jointed Mudstone Slope

  3. 预裂爆破在节理发育的海岛上应用

    Application of Pre-splitting Blasting in Joints Developed Island

  4. 大冶铁矿东露天采场地质构造复杂,断层节理发育。

    The east open-pit in Daye iron mine has complicated geological structure and developed fault joints .

  5. 特别地,围岩中节理发育条件下的隧道开挖就给施工造成了很大困难。

    Particularly , tunnel excavation under the condition of jointed surrounding rocks has caused great difficulties to construction .

  6. 黔南坳陷节理发育特征及其对构造应力场转换的指示

    Growing characteristics of joints in Qiannan depression ( Southern Guizhou ) and its implication to tectonic stress field switch

  7. 结合上海洋山港某道路边坡施工,就预裂爆破在节理发育的海岛上的应用进行了研究。

    Combined with a road-slope construction in the Shanghai Yang Shan Port , the pre-splitting blasting was applied in joints developed island .

  8. 本文探讨了在垫层逐步淘刷的情况下,混凝土护板的稳定性。区内局部节理发育、层理密集;

    The stability of the concrete block under the bedding layer is eroding is analyzed . and by the clearages and bedding ;

  9. 岩层产状平缓,垂直节理发育,第四纪冰期的缺失都为岩柱群地貌的形成提供了有利的条件。

    Rock occurrence flat , vertical joints of the development , the missing Quaternary glacial were good for the formation of this landform .

  10. 其形成基础是厚层、坚硬、产状平缓、垂直节理发育的石英砂岩夹薄层粘土岩。

    Its formation basis is the clay rock which is thick layer , hard , the shape is gentle , vertical development and quartz .

  11. 通过对节理发育程度及煤的强度的实际观测,建立了经验公式,进而对采掘工作面前方是否存在隐伏断层做出综合评判。

    The experimental equations are developed by practical measuring joint and coal intensity during coal excavation in an effort to make comprehensive evaluation of the occurrence of concealed faults .

  12. 由于马兰黄土结构特殊,垂直节理发育。采用室内土柱实验会破坏马兰黄土的结构,影响渗透系数,仿真模拟性较差。

    Because the structure of Malan Loess is very special , it developed advanced vertically , using soil pillar in lab would break the natural structure of Malan Loess and influence the filter coefficient .

  13. 该隧道由于围岩破碎、节理发育、水平基岩层裂隙水渗透性强,以及设计与施工等方面的原因,主体工程完工后,隧道出现渗漏水现象。

    After the main structure has been completed , it has found that water infiltration had occurred in the tunnel because of the fractured surrounding rock , developed joint , strong water infiltration in the crack of horizontal bedrock and some reasons relative to design and construction .

  14. 区域性构造节理具有发育广泛,产状稳定,规模较大,延长较远,间距较宽,节理面平滑,多见羽列状和共轭X型节理系等特征。

    The features of regional structural joints has wide range of occurrence , stability , the larger , extended farther , wider spacing , joint surface smooth , more feather-like and the conjugate " x " - type section of the faculty .

  15. 区内地质构造复杂,断裂、劈理、节理极度发育,后期断裂总体上沿近SN向平行展布,叠加在早期东西向构造上,形成本区的基本构造格局。

    Rupture , cleavage and diaclases develop greatly , and rupture of late stage parallel distribute along with nearly SN direction generally and superposition on the east-west direction structure of early period , which forms the basic tectonic framework of this area .

  16. 遗传性关节发育不良此处石英砂岩垂直节理十分发育,与岩层层面正交。

    Vertical bedding joints in quartz sandstone are well developed , perpendicular to the plane of the formation .

  17. 节理越发育,试件过峰后的残余应力值越大,破坏时间越长。

    The more the joints develop , the bigger the residual stress after the peak value , the longer the time to damage .

  18. 山东昌乐地区死火山群火山通道相节理非常发育,形态独特,引人注目。

    There are many noticeable and well-developed joints in the volcanic crater group in the Changle area , and they are unique in shape .

  19. 详细研究了东胜煤田补连塔矿煤的岩石组成、内生裂隙及外生节理的发育特征。

    The maceral , proximate analysis , cleats and joint developmental characteristics of the brown coal in Bulianta coalmine , Dongsheng coalfield have been studied .

  20. 矿化体的品位和形状与张性节理的发育程度和发育范围成正相关,并与应力集中与否吻合较好,可以作为找矿依据。

    The quality and shape of the mineralized bodies is positively correlated with the degree and scope of the extend joint , and that can help us prospecting .

  21. 构造因素是控制瓦斯突出分布的主导性因素,节理裂隙发育、应力集中、煤层破碎地段是瓦斯突出的部位。

    The structural condition is the principal factor of controlling the distribution of gas outbursts and the area of joint fissure development , stress centralization and coalbed crash is the portion of gas outburst .

  22. 处死前进行四环素双标,处死后取左侧第9肋骨进行组织形态计测和次级矿化程度评估。矿化强度与次级断裂、节理的发育强度正相关。

    After necropsy , the left 9 th ribs were excised for evaluation . Mineralization intensity is positive correlation to the developed degree of subsidiary fracture and joint and deformation intensity , negative correlation to the stress .

  23. 加之后期花岗岩侵入蚀变带内,受多次构造作用及岩浆侵入影响,岩体节理裂隙发育、多呈松散碎石角砾、粉砂土状,稳定性极差。

    And later in the band of granite invades altered by multiple tectonic function and magma intrusion influence , rock crack development , rock joints , a loose broken rock gravel breccia and silt shape , stability is poor .

  24. 在节理裂隙发育或破碎岩层的工程边界进行悬索桥带预应力岩锚的隧道式复合锚碇工程的设计和施工,其难度和风险极大,国内外的研究基本处于空白。

    It was difficult and worst risk that tunnel anchorage compound with prestressed anchorage cable was designed and constructed in engineering boundary condition with abundant joint fissure or break ground , the research was blank both domestic and abroad .

  25. 但由于受断裂带的影响,在断裂带两侧一定范围内早期共轭剪节理不发育或者被强烈改造而变形,主要发育层间剪节理和纵张节理。

    But due to the influence of fracture zone , within a certain range of both sides of the fault zone , the early conjugate shear fractures not development or strong modification and deformation , and produced interlaminar shear fractures and longitudinal tension fractures .

  26. 在这套地层的灰色泥岩节理面上发育有许多沥青薄膜。

    Many bituminous membranes are developed on joint planes of gray mudstone of the strata .

  27. 白鹤滩柱状节理玄武岩中发育的柱状节理、微裂隙及缓倾角结构面是导致岩体变形模量较低的主要因素;

    Columnar joint , microfissure and gently dipping structural surface are the three fundamental factors which lead to the small deformation modulus of basaltic mass .

  28. 眼前山铁矿主采区为节理裂隙比较发育的急倾斜厚大矿体,矿岩具有良好的可冒性。

    The ore body in main mining area of Yanqianshan iron mine has a structural character of easy-caving due to a dense joint distribution and a high angle and thick ore-body .

  29. 岩体内的断裂构造(断层、节理)较发育,密集发育的节理破坏了岩石的完整性,导致泥化夹层产生,构成崩塌或滑坡形成的内在条件之一。

    The inside break-structure of the rock ( fault , joint ) densely growing makes to break the rocky and complete , causing the mire turn the mezzanine , to produce collapse or slip .

  30. 故两柱掩护式放顶煤支架不适用于硬煤层及节理裂隙不发育的中硬煤层放顶煤开采。

    The paper held that the two leg shield caving powered support would not be suitable for the top coal caving mining in the hard coal seam and the joint crack undeveloped medium hard seam .