
  • Swatches;color palette;Color plane;pigmented area
  1. 纺织品设计师詹尼弗•肖托(JenniferShorto)根据一本20世纪早期男性和服面料的色板书设计了她最新的作品。

    Textile designer Jennifer Shorto based her most recent designs on a book of swatches of early 20th-century men 's kimono fabrics .

  2. 在两个小时的会面中,我们审议了从装具到家具、油漆色板到瓷砖类型及颜色的每一项。

    In the two-hour meeting , we reviewed everything from fixtures to furniture , paint swatches to tiling types and colors .

  3. 什么能使爆色板在银行内就失效

    Is there any way the dye pack malfunctioned back at the bank ?

  4. content元素可使用您选择的自定义色板设置主题。

    The content element can be themed to the custom swatch of your choice .

  5. 分光测色计对3D比色板测色的可重复性研究

    Repeatability of color measurement of 3D shade guide with spectrophotometer

  6. 基于BP神经网络的色板蚜虫诱捕量预测

    Number forecast of trapping aphides by colorful plate based on BP neural network

  7. 要为您的移动网站中的内容创建自定义色板,必须先创建一个content元素(参见清单7)。

    To create a custom swatch for the content in your mobile website , you must first create a content element ( Listing 7 ) .

  8. 结果:经玻璃渗透后,氧化铝玻璃复合体的b值与比色板的b值范围吻合较好。

    Results : After infiltration , the b range of the alumina glass composite was in accord with that of the shade guide .

  9. Vita比色板再现天然牙色的结果分析

    Reproduction of tooth color with the aid of Vita colorimetric plate

  10. 新、旧Vita比色板的色度学比较研究

    Comparative study on the shade of two kinds of Vita shade-guide COMPARE

  11. Vita比色板色度学分析及临床应用的合理性

    Color analysis and reasonableness in applying of Vita shade guide

  12. 两种VITA比色板的色度学比较

    Color comparison of two kinds of VITA shade guides

  13. 金瓷修复体与VITA成品比色板色度差

    Color difference of VITA shade guide and ceramic restoration

  14. 带金属底冠的定制比色板与VITA比色板的色度学分析比较

    Comparison of Color Character of VITA Shade Guide and the Custom Shade Guide

  15. 用VITA比色板进行美白治疗后颜色的对比并进行组间比较。

    The changes of tooth color were evaluated by VITA shade guide matching after treatment .

  16. 使用灰度和RGB颜色的对应关系,将256色调色板转换成灰度调色板;

    256 colors palette can be transformed to gray scale palette based on the corresponding relationship of gray scale and RGB colors .

  17. 通过测色仪对注塑色板白度测试表征荧光增白剂的增白效果,研究了荧光增白剂在PP、ABS、LDPE中增白效果的影响因素。

    Influences of fluorescent whitening agent ( FWA ) on whitening effect in PP , ABS , LDPE were investigated by measurement of spectrometer on injecting plastic plates .

  18. 设计IHS颜色空间的一个锥体,使得连续色调色板编码方案实现简单方便。

    A cone in IHS colour space is designed which makes the continuous palette coding scheme be easy to perform .

  19. 目的比较VITA比色板和带金属底冠定制比色板的颜色特性。

    Objective To compare the color character of VITA shade guide and the custom shade guide with metal substrate .

  20. 提出两种基于IHS颜色空间的调色板编码方案:互补色调色板编码方案和连续色调色板编码方案。

    Two palette-coding schemes based on IHS colour space are given in the article : complementary palette coding and continuous palette coding .

  21. 目的:掌握VITA成品比色板及金瓷修复体的色度规律,合理、客观使用VITA成品比色板。

    Objective : To understand color distribution of Vita shade guide and metal ceramic restoration and make Vita shade guide more reasonable in clinical applying .

  22. 结果:测定数据表明,比色板各组颜色分布具有一定的规律性,不同组相同色阶比色板彩度C排列顺序为:浅红色>黄色>橙色>棕色,各组比色板色差及分布区域明显不同。

    Result : the color distribution in each group of customized guide showed regular pattern . The arrangement order of chrome of the same color guide class in different groups was pink > yellow > orange > brown , with markedly different color stage in chrome and different range .

  23. 方法采用PR-650型光谱扫描色度仪分别对5套VITA比色板和5套带金属底冠的定制比色板进行9区颜色测量。

    Methods Color of 9 sites of 5 series of VITA shade guides and custom shade guides with metal substrate were measured by means of PR-650 spectrophotometer .

  24. 要设置此元素的样式,可对它应用一个data-theme属性,为新的色板指定一个惟一且未使用的值,以便可以为它编写一个自定义CSS。

    To style this element , apply a data-theme attribute to it and specify a unique and unused value for a new swatch so that you can write a custom CSS for it .

  25. 为工具栏分配一个主题非常简单,只需使用data-theme属性并为它提供一个自定义色板值即可。

    Assigning a theme to a toolbar is as easy as using the data-theme attribute and giving it a custom swatch value .

  26. 要创建新色板,您可以使用字母表中任何未使用的字母(即F-Z)。

    To create a new swatch , you can use any letter of the alphabet not already being used ( namely , F-Z ) .

  27. 目的通过对比色记录的统计分析,比较Vita比色板与宁波地区人群牙冠颜色的适应性及分布频率,并提出临床比色要点。

    Objective Through statistical analyses of color-matching records , the author compared the adaptability of Vita color tabs tooth color of the people living in Ningbo and the distribution frequency . The key points of clinical color matching were also given in the paper .

  28. 由于VitaLumin比色板与中国人牙色相比,颜色分布不均匀,如要减少颜色的明度或彩度,可适当增加瓷厚度以弥补VitaLumin比色板的局限。

    Compared with the color of Chinese people 's teeth , the color distribution of Vita Limin Shade is uneven . In order to diminish the value or chroma , the porcelain layer of PFM should be thickened , so that the limit of Vita Lumin Shade can be compensated .

  29. 不同光源下标准色板的颜色误差分析

    The color-difference analyses of standard color-plate under different light source conditions

  30. C++Builder环境下调色板的使用

    The Use of Palette in C + + Builder Environment