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shāo gōng
  • Boatman;helmsman
艄公 [shāo gōng]
  • [helmsman] 操舵驾驶船的人,也泛指以撑船为业的人

  • 老艄公不顾自己正在发喘二话不说,驾起船,直奔河心。--《为了六十一个阶级弟兄》

艄公[shāo gōng]
  1. 风浪考验艄公的胆量,困难检验人的坚强。

    The wave tests the courage of the coxswain , while difficulties exams human 's tolerance .

  2. 艄公没有跟他争论,便摇着橹,慢慢地向对岸划去。

    The boatman then began the journey without saying a word . He rowed and rowed towards the opposite bank .

  3. 艄公却说:“好的。”然后他把船划回原来的岸边。

    The boatman just replied , " Sure ! " He then began to row back to where they began their journey .

  4. 当来到离对岸不远时,艄公停住船说:“请下船吧。”

    When he was about to reach the other side , he stopped and said , " You may get down here . "

  5. 那天风浪很大,她和艄公都担心她会生在途中。

    The sea was so rough that both she and the skipper were terrified she might give birth before they reached the mainland .

  6. 艄公礼貌地说:“六文钱就只能送到这儿了,八文钱可以送到对岸。”

    The boatman replied politely , " Six coins will only take you here , and eight coins will take you to the riverbank . "

  7. 商人意识到艄公是认真的,便说:“是我不好,我会付所有的摆渡费的,现在请把我送到对岸去吧!”

    The businessman then realised that the boatman was really serious about it . Then he said , " I am sorry , I will pay you the full fare . Please send me over to the other side now . "

  8. 商人说:“好吧,你把我送回刚才来的岸边吧。”商人心想他这么一说,艄公会觉得再返回刚才那岸边太麻烦了,便会把他送到对岸。

    The businessman then said , " Well then , take me back to where we came from . " He thought the boatman would think it troublesome to send him back and would just send him to the other side .