
zhì huàn jì
  • psychedelic;hallucinogen
致幻剂[zhì huàn jì]
  1. 即便是后来,他依然赞扬致幻剂让自己得到了更多启发:

    Even later in life he would credit psychedelic drugs for making him more enlightened .

  2. 佛祖在菩提树下悟道;纳尔逊?曼德拉在狱中觉醒;灵魂大师瑞姆?达;斯则在致幻剂中获得升华。

    The Buddha found it under a Boddhi tree , Nelson Mandela in prison and spiritual guru Ram Dass through psychedelic drugs .

  3. 美国康涅狄格州一名男子索要天使粉(PCP,一种麻药、致幻剂)时击伤一名警察、并咬伤了警犬。

    A Connecticut man searching for some PCP attacked a police officer and bit his dog .

  4. 致幻剂LSD的药效就是抑制了血清素的作用。

    LSD may act by inhibiting the action of serotonin .

  5. 特立独行的乔布斯在他二十岁出头的年纪,就养成了近乎偏执的饮食习惯,他还喜欢BobDylan,LSD(一种强烈的半人工致幻剂),禅学。

    Often eccentric , Mr Jobs developedobsessive dietary habits in his early 20s , along with a taste for Bob Dylan , LSD and Zen .

  6. 所以他们能偷偷地带着LSD致幻剂入境,亚力克斯巫师——他们的希腊朋友,后来苹果电子公司的领头人——与希腊政府达成了一项协议。

    So they could sneak their LSD into the country , Magic Alex - their Greek friend and the eventual head of Apple Electronics - cut a deal with the Greek government .

  7. 乔布斯深受一系列关于精神和启蒙的书籍影响,尤其是《此时此地》(BeHereNow),这是一本介绍冥想及致幻剂的美妙之处的书,作者是拉姆·达斯导师(BabaRamDass),本名叫理查德·阿尔拍特(RichardAlpert)。

    Jobs found himself deeply influenced by a variety of books on spirituality and enlightenment , most notably Be Here Now , a guide to meditation and the wonders of psychedelic drugs by Baba Ram Dass , born Richard Alpert .

  8. 不,他服用过量的未提炼致幻剂

    No , far from it . The unrefined Vertigo overdose he suffered

  9. 他不是使用致幻剂过量死的。

    He didn 't die of a Vertigo overdose .

  10. 你觉得梅林用那些钱买致幻剂了吗

    You think Merlyn spent that money on Vertigo ?

  11. 致幻剂在腐蚀这座城市,狄格。

    Vertigo 's tearing this city apart , Diggle .

  12. 你怎么让他把致幻剂的配方给你的

    How 'd you get him to give you the formula for Vertigo ?

  13. 我们不会再因为致幻剂惹上麻烦了。

    Well , we won 't be having any problems with Vertigo anymore .

  14. 去年她迷上致幻剂

    She got hooked on Vertigo last year .

  15. 中国上古社会可能存在药用植物的崇拜,乌头、附子可能是萨满昏迷中的致幻剂。

    In the archaic Chinese society , the worship of medical plants might have existed .

  16. 吸食致幻剂然后去了印度

    took LSD and went to India .

  17. 致幻剂是对精神起特殊作用的物质。

    Hallucinogenic drugs are mind-altering substances .

  18. 在这些非常活跃、十分夸张的漫画中,赢得“冷战”靠的是致幻剂。

    In these hyperkinetic , over-the-top comics , it 's psychedelia that wins the Cold War .

  19. 美国海福特研究所及致幻剂多学科研究协会。

    The Heffter Research Institute and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies ( MAPS ) in America .

  20. 斯特林市又陷入了人尽皆知的致幻剂之战

    Starling City is once again at war with the drug known on the streets as Vertigo .

  21. 这正是我在蘑菇、狂喜和酶斯卡灵结合后所希望(一种致幻剂)……

    Which is what I would expect after taking a combination of mushrooms , ecstasy and mescalin ...

  22. 查一下毒物学,看是否有和他用的致幻剂相关的东西

    Check the toxicology to see if there 's something related to the Vertigo he was on .

  23. 伯爵肯定已经把它加进最新一批致幻剂了

    The Count must have added it as a new ingredient in this latest iteration of Vertigo .

  24. 过去几天,这座城市突然涌现出了一批新型的致幻剂。

    Over the past few days , the city has been flooded with a new version of Vertigo .

  25. 如果你为了“勾搭”你的顾客,用那笔钱去买致幻剂…

    If you spent that money on Vertigo so that you could " hook up " your clientele ...

  26. 当然是药一定有一种药致幻剂或引起精神错乱的药

    A drug , of course.It has to be a drug . An hallucinogenic or a deliriant of some kind .

  27. 肉豆蔻是一种致幻剂,通常被用来给蛋挞和水果蛋糕这类点心做调味品。

    Nutmeg is a hallucinigenic drug which is regularly used to flavor such lovely things as custard tarts and fruit cakes .

  28. 那个死了的女孩,她的致幻剂是从一个同事那来的

    So , um , the girl who died , it turns out that she got her Vertigo from a co-worker .

  29. 但将致幻剂用于心理治疗,应十分谨慎,并严格遵循一些原则,同时要注意致幻剂治疗有其局限性。

    But the application of psychedelics in psychotherapy must be very cautious and strictly follow some principles . Meanwhile , much attention should be paid to its limitations .

  30. 在最近的一次研究中,37名志愿者在服用类致幻剂后,都报告说他们在几个星期里都产生了幻觉并发生了行为改变。这样的结果并不出人意料。

    Meantime , and this may come as no surprise , recent study of36 volunteers who took an LSD-like drug in a lab setting had them reporting mystical experiences and behavior changes that lasted for weeks .