
  1. 自然资源属性是构建自然资源使用权制度的起点和内在决定性因素。

    Property of natural resources is starting point and internal decisive factor of structuring system of right to use natural resources .

  2. 在立法过程中,应该充分尊重草原的生态价值及其自然资源属性,兼顾草原的经济利益与生态利益的协调发展。

    During legislation , the ecological value and the natural resources of the grassland must be fully respected and the economical and ecological benefits must develop harmoniously .

  3. 根据矿产资源的自然资源属性与社会经济特性,分析了矿产资源战略替代方案的一般特点及其技术经济时间性和国际政治经济影响的不确定性;

    This paper analysis the general characteristics of alternative of strategic schemes of mineral resources based on the socio-economic characteristics and the natural properties of mineral resources . The uncertain characteristics which affected by technology , economy , timeliness and international political economic relationship are discussed as personality characteristics .

  4. 现行法律制度忽视农业自然资源财产属性和动态流转性的直接后果就是农业自然资源权利体系僵化,缺乏可交易性。

    The oversight of current laws concerning ownership and mobility of natural resources has immediately resulted in a lack of flexibility and tradability of rights on natural agricultural resources .

  5. 自然资源的专属性研究

    The Research on the Exclusion of Natural Resources

  6. 合理的制度安排及符合自然资源特点和属性的制度创新是解决市场失灵、政府失灵导致自然资源破坏、低效率利用等问题的重要途径。

    Reasonable institutional arrangement and innovation based on the characteristics of natural resources is the main approach to handling the problems of market-failure and government-failure .

  7. 通过对云南省罗望子自然分布区资源属性特点、类型、适生因子及现状的调查,了解罗望子的经济及生态价值;

    The economic and ecological value was found by investigating natural distributive specialty , types , adaptive growth factors and status quo of tamarind in Yunnan .

  8. 本文从土地资源在资源体系中的核心地位入手,充分考虑各种自然资源在自然属性及法律属性上的关联性,提出借鉴建筑物区分所有权制度建立土地区分使用权制度。

    This essay puts forward to build the identity use-right of land system drawing lesson from the identity ownership of building system through the key position in resources of land resource and the natural-law relation of all resources .

  9. 论自然资源的国有资产属性及其立法规范

    On the State-owned assets Attribute of Natural Resources and Its Legislative Regulation

  10. 自然资源的公共物品属性以及资本的稀缺性是生产力异化的条件。

    The public belonging property of natural resources and capital rareness are its condition .