
  • 网络natural noise
  1. 海洋自然噪声场空间互功率谱

    Spatial cross - spectra of ambient sea - noise field

  2. 自然环境噪声条件下脉冲震源符号位地震记录的真振幅恢复

    True amplitude recovery for pulse source sign-bit seismic record with physical environment noise

  3. 该模型综合了城市自然因素和噪声污染因素。

    The model synthesises factors of nature and noise pollution in city .

  4. 该系统基于MonteCarlo定位方法,分别利用了人工地标和自然地标的高噪声的传感器信息,结合无反馈的里程计信息来完成自身定位。

    Based on Monte Carlo localization , the system makes use of high-noised sensor data of artificial and natural landmarks , along with odometry data without feedback .

  5. 具体在以下几个方面的研究工作中取得了进展及创新:1、通过试验的方法,将CCD自然图像的随机噪声分成测量噪声、照度噪声和视差噪声三类,进行定性和定量的分析。

    Classified the random noise of CCD natural images into three categories : measuring noise , illumination noise and noise coming from parallax according to experimentation , qualitative and quantitative analyze them .

  6. MBE声码器是低速率语音编码器中的佼佼者,它能够在2.4~4.8Kb/s的速率上合成出比传统声码器好得多的语音,而且具有较好的自然度和容忍噪声的能力。

    Multiband Excitation ( MBE ) codec is a better choice among the speech coding algorithms at low rate . It can synthesis better speech than the traditional codec at rate of 2.4 ~ 4.8Kb/s . Its synthetic speech sounds naturally and can endure more noise .

  7. 在处理最有效的ISO800和更高,可提供令人印象深刻的自然色彩与最小噪声结果右侧达到了ISO12800(取决于)对DLSR模型。

    Processing is most effective at ISO800 and higher , delivering impressively natural results with minimised colour noise right up to ISO12800 ( depends on DLSR model ) .

  8. 兰溪发电厂自然通风冷却塔噪声治理方案浅析

    Analysis of Noise Control Scheme for Natural Ventilation Cooling Tower in Lanxi Power Plant

  9. 由于自然环境中,噪声具有多样性以及语音信号本身的复杂性,语音增强算法也因环境的不同而不同。

    The reason is that there are the diversity of the natural environment noise and the complexity of the speech signal itself .

  10. 模块在硬件和软件上均增加了自然光和电噪声消除功能,可更准确地反映血氧饱和度和脉率。

    The module has the function of eliminating nature light and electrical noise in hardware and software , so it can detect oxygen saturation and pulse accurately .