
The \# REGREXIT hashtag began trending on Twitter on Saturday morning , just as a petition calling for the country to hold a second referendum on its membership in the European Union passed 2.5 million signatures . The total now stands at 3 million .
It is the Queen 's first official engagement since the historic Brexit vote last Friday .
Until the shock Brexit vote , the Prime Minister assumed he had another three years left in power .
He noted that the need for stability engendered by Britain 's vote to leave the European Union had created a sense of urgency .
US travel firms have seen a surge in interest from customers looking to visit to Great Britain following last week 's ground-breaking Brexit vote .
The US , Germany , Canada and Australia all rank higher than Britain in terms of attractiveness to overseas workers after the Brexit vote .
Bearing the hallmarks of an orchestrated campaign , Eurosceptic Tories piled pressure on Mr Cameron , including a direct threat to oust him immediately after the vote .
Mr. Cameron made his resignation announcement on June 24 , one day after the referendum to withdraw from the European Union , a decision commonly known as Brexit .
Prime Minister David Cameron , who announced he would resign after coming up on the losing side in the June 23 Brexit referendum , will step down by Wednesday .
David Cameron cracked jokes today as he faced MPs for the first time since his humiliation in the EU referendum - but Boris Johnson was nowhere to be seen .
The ballots had barely been counted for the Brexit referendum before Germany and Britain were yelling at each other about who could be the best friend to big business .
He said the results of the US presidential election and the Brexit vote showed how any country may turn inward when confronted with difficult issues like immigration , security and global development .
May is known to have a rigorous grasp of policy detail and a restrained political style that has allowed her to emerge relatively unscathed from the country 's controversial vote to leave the European Union .
Just days after voting to leave the European Union , more than 2 million Britons and UK residents had signed a petition calling for a second vote , forcing lawmakers to at least consider a debate on the issue .
The Treasury " short-term shock " paper is its second and final piece of analysis on Brexit before the June 23 EU referendum and is seen by Mr Osborne 's allies as likely to have the most impact on voters .
Britain could potentially leave the European Union as early as next year as Prime Minister David Cameron is allegedly already putting plans in motion to bring forward an in / out referendum by a year .
There was no lack of doomsday rhetoric before Britain 's referendum on E.U. membership .
Analysts say Cameron 's political future hangs in the balance depending on the outcome of the poll . If the voters " decision Thursday is to leave the EU , pundits say Cameron will lose his mandate and have little choice but to resign , something the British leader has until now said he will not do .
Out here at the Paris menswear shows , I asked a buyer from a major London store : how will the Brexit vote affect their business ? He breathed heavily .
Opinion polls indicate that the " Leave " and " Remain " camps are neck-and-neck , while up to 20 % of Britons have still not made up their minds ahead of the crucial vote on June 23 .