
nǎo wài kē
  • brain surgery
  1. 立体定向脑外科技术中医学图像及相关软件的发展

    Development of medical image and software in stereotactic brain surgery

  2. 光学定位脑外科机器人系统及其空间配准

    Space registration and practice of a brain surgery robot based on optical localization

  3. 即使不考虑法律问题,在Windows电脑上安装苹果操作系统虽然不像脑外科手术那么复杂,但需要的技巧也比普通用户所掌握的更多。

    Even if you are willing to ignore the legal issues , this process , while not brain surgery , takes more skill than the average user possesses .

  4. 无框架的TMS立体定位技术可以提高用于解剖定位的TMS以及用于指引脑外科手术的准确性。

    Stereotaxic and frameless TMS can improve the anatomy-guided TMS and use for navigation in brain surgery .

  5. 社会是不会允许不具职业资格的人胆敢进行脑外科手术,想都不用想。而会很认真地提出,只有具备MBA学位才可以进入管理层。

    It is unthinkable that society would allow an unqualifiedperson to even attempt brain surgery , but nobody would seriously suggest thatan MBA be required for entry to management .

  6. 方法:以Beck抑郁自评量表(BDI)为评定工具,对63名脑外科住院病人进行单项因子分和总分评定。

    Methods : Beck Depression Inventory ( BDI ) was used to rate the depressive symptoms of 63 hospitalized neurosurgical patients .

  7. 结果表明D-D水平除肺心病缓解期和脑外科手术前与正常对照比较P>0.05外,其余均有显著性差异(P<0.005,P<0.05)。

    Results showed that in comparison to normal adults the D-dimer levels exhibited significant difference ( P < 0 . 05 , P < 0.005 ) in all above diseases expect in alleviatory period of cor pulmonale and before surgical operation of brain ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  8. 在详细分析手术进刀路径的确定方法后,给出了基于DICOM医疗图像的脑外科机器人系统手术规划的具体实现过程。

    After the method of determining the bistoury route is anatomized , based on medical images in DICOM format , the practical implementation process of operation planning of the brain surgical robot system is illustrated .

  9. 方法:对18例脑外科手术病人应用CD1400+EX血细胞分析仪对血液稀释法自体献血过程中的红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(Hb)及红细胞比容(Hct)进行动态观察。

    Methods : The RBC , Hb , and Hct were measured dynamically by using Cell-Dyn 1400 + EX hematology analyzer in anticoagulation blood samples from 18 patients with craniocerebral surgery operation in the process of hemodilution autologous donation .

  10. 不过,梅格,你要切记,它没有脑外科手术那么要紧。

    But Meg , remember that it 's not brain surgery .

  11. 基于视觉定位的脑外科机器人坐标变换问题研究

    Coordinate Transition of Brain Surgical Robot System Based on Visual Localization

  12. 基于任务灵活性的脑外科机器人机构设计

    Mechanism Design of Robots for Neurosurgery Based on Task Dexterity

  13. 我曾经是世界首席脑外科专家和基因工程师。

    I was the world 's foremost brain surgeon and genetic engineer .

  14. 脑外科手术中无菌生理盐水两种给水方式的效果探讨

    Effect of Modes of Feeding Sterilized Saline in Cerebral Surgery

  15. 机器人辅助无框架定位脑外科手术系统

    An image analysis system for brain surgery assistant robot

  16. 立体定向脑外科机器人系统中的定位和空间映射变换

    Location and mapping in robotic system for stereotactic neurosurgery

  17. 脑外科重症病人气道开放后持续雾化吸入的临床研究

    Clinical study on continuous nebulization in severe patients with opening airway in neurosurgery department

  18. 脑外科重症病人肠内营养相关并发症分析

    Enteral nutrition related complications in severe brain-injured patients

  19. 基于欧拉角变换的脑外科机器人系统手术规划方法

    Operation planning approach of brain surgery robot system based on adjustment of Euler angle

  20. 基于视觉伺服的脑外科手术机器人系统

    Brain surgical robot system based on visual servo

  21. 脑外科机器人视觉伺服研究

    Visual servoing control in robot-assisted stereotactic neurosurgery

  22. 脑外科机器人结构分析与参数优化设计

    Research on the structure and design for the parameters optimization of the brain surgical robot

  23. 精神外科:用脑外科方法来治疗精神病或其它精神疾患的手术。

    Psychosurgery : Treatment of psychosis or other mental disorders by means of Brain surgery .

  24. BC-98消毒液用于脑外科监护室空气消毒的效果评价

    Effects of BC-98 Disinfectant on Air Disinfection in the ICU of the Cerebral Surgery Department

  25. 这项操作被形容为在5000英尺深水下的漆黑环境中进行脑外科手术。

    The operation has been compared to brain surgery , in the dark , from 5000ft .

  26. 你们说的是脑外科手术?

    You 're talking brain surgery ?

  27. 目的总结脑外科住院患者医院感染的发病情况。

    Objective To summarize the outbreak of the hospital infection of the sufferers in brain surgery .

  28. 脑外科医院感染目标性监测方法与措施的研究

    Study on the methods and measures of objective surveillance for hospital acquired infection in neurosurgery department

  29. 他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。

    His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery .

  30. 入院科室以骨科、脑外科为主(83.1%);

    Department of orthopaedics and cerebral surgery were the main admission division , accounting for 83.1 % .