
  1. GIS系统在城市大气污染控制与能源结构优化中的应用

    Application Study on GIS in Urban Air Pollution Control and Optimization of Energy Structure

  2. 通过对GIS系统与能源结构优化模型和大气污染物控制模型的集成研究,开发出具有较强应用价值的GIS优化控制系统。

    Valuable integrated system of GIS and optimization control model was developed by secondary development of GIS as well as integrated study on the optimization model of energy structure and air pollution control model .

  3. 第五章和第六章提出了3E体系综合平衡的原理和评价指标,反思了传统经济学理念,构建了能源结构优化的3E综合平衡模型;

    The Chapter 5 and the Chapter 6 give the general balance principle and the evaluating index of the 3E system , criticize the old economic concept and make the 3E general balance model which prefers the energy structure .

  4. 洁净煤技术产业化与我国能源结构优化

    Industrialization of clean coal technology and optimization of China energy structure

  5. 加热炉能源结构优化及设计优化

    Optimization of the Energy Structure and Design of Reheating Furnaces

  6. 中国能源结构优化的多目标决策

    Multi - objective decision in energy structure optimizing of China

  7. 能源结构优化与下游产业结构改革

    The imminency of energy structure and the reform of downstream product structure

  8. 山东省能源结构优化调整与可持续发展研究

    On the Optimization and Adjustment of Energy Structure and Sustainable Development of Shan-dong

  9. 能源结构优化是最根本的改革

    Energy structure optimization is the most fundamental reform

  10. 上海市能源结构优化分析

    Analysis of energy consumption mix in Shanghai

  11. 第四部分:山东省能源结构优化调整的战略构想。

    Part four : Strategical ideas on the optimization and adjustment of Shan-dong ' energy structure .

  12. 发展洁净煤技术,推动实现产业化是当前适合国情的能源结构优化措施。

    To develop the clean coal technology and promote the industrialization of the clean coal technology is a measure to optimize the energy structure which is suitable to the situation in China .

  13. 它也是我国能源结构优化调整、作为国家能源战略的一项重要内容,天然气作为新型汽车燃料而被推广使用。

    CNG plays an integral part in domestic optimal adjustment of energy structure as well as in national energy strategy . As a new type of motor fuel , the application of CNG is widely promoted .

  14. 文章探讨了我国核电发展的规划蓝图及核电产业“两步走”的设想,提出了核电产业目前存在的能源结构优化、规模效应、产业组织及技术模式等几个方面的问题。

    In this text , we discuss the planning of the NP development of China , propose " two steps " of nuclear power industry and list problems such as energy structure optimizes , scale effect , industrial organization , technological mode etc.

  15. 成都市政府发展低碳经济是可持续发展的必然选择,是实现成都产业结构和能源结构优化的有效路径,有利于加快成都建设世界生态田园城市的步伐。

    It is the inevitable choice of sustainable development for Chengdu , It is the effective path to optimize the industrial structure and the energy structure , it is good to speed up the pace of construction in " world ecological garden city " .

  16. 二是能源结构逐步优化。

    Second , the energy structure has been optimized gradually .

  17. 基于可持续发展的内蒙古能源结构的优化战略研究

    The Optimization of Energy Structure of Inner Mongolia Municipality Based on Sustainable Development

  18. 我国能源结构的优化趋势

    Optimization Tendency of Structure of Energy Sources in China

  19. 基于目标规划的黑龙江省能源消费结构优化分析

    Analysis on Optimization of Energy Consumption Structure of Heilongjiang Province Based on Goal Programming

  20. 其中,电力能源结构的优化问题是一个十分重要的课题。

    Among them , the power optimization of energy structure is a very important issue .

  21. 主要从能源结构的优化和经济结构的优化两个方面来进行。

    Mainly from the energy structure optimization and optimization of economic structure to carry out two aspects .

  22. 浅论中国能源产业结构优化问题&由缺电引发的思考

    Primary analysis on Optimization of the structure of energy industry in china & thought on the phenomenon of electricity deficiency

  23. 因此,对内蒙古现有能源结构进行优化调整迫在眉睫。

    So , the optimization and adjustment of energy structure of Inner Mongolia municipality is staring us in the face .

  24. 同时能源消费结构优化对能源效率改善的积极作用也得到了进一步的证实。

    Meanwhile , it is further confirmed that the optimization of the energy consumption structure has positive effect on improving the energy efficiency .

  25. 高功率固体激光驱动器能源系统线路结构优化实验研究

    High power laser drive power system with optimized circuit design

  26. 总体上,青岛市的能源结构处于不断优化之中。

    On the whole , the optimization of energy structure has becoming better and better in Qingdao .

  27. 最后,利用复合模型对某市能源经济结构进行优化,并分析了该市结构性节能的潜力。

    Finally , the OBGIO model is used to optimize the energy economic structure of a city , and analyze its potentiality on the structural energy saving .

  28. 近年来,随着能源结构的不断优化,天然气行业日益得到政府部门的重视和政策的支持。

    In recent years , with the constant optimization of the structure of the energy , the government pays more and more attention to the industry of the natural gas .

  29. 在转变观念,走低碳化道路的前提下,国内通过制度创新、能源结构调整、优化产业结构和技术创新四个方面大力发展低碳经济。

    In the premises of changing ideas and low carbon policy , low carbon economy is promoted by the system innovation , the energy structure adjustment , optimization of industrial structure and technology innovation at home .

  30. 燃气电厂生产成本与结算电价严重倒挂,企业面临着巨大的生存压力;另一方面,随着国家产业政策的变化和能源结构的不断优化,电力行业将面临着巨大的变革。

    Gas-turbine power plants are facing with big pressure for survival . On the other hand , with the change of industry policy and the optimization of energy structure , there would be a huge reform in electricity industry .