
  1. 胡适研究现在已经成为学术研究热点之一。

    And they have become one of the foci for academic research .

  2. 翻译家胡适研究

    A Study of Hu Shi as a Translator

  3. 引言及文献综述梳理了胡适研究的状况,指出反思易卜生主义的必要性。

    The foreword and document summary sort out research condition on Hu Shi and point out the necessity of reflection on Ibsenism .

  4. 正因为如此,才使胡适研究清代哲学更有深度,更能体现其研究价值。

    Because of this , the study which Hu Shi proceeds can reflect more depth and the value of his research becomes more and more important .

  5. 论翻译选择的目的性&胡适翻译研究

    The Purposiveness of Selections in Translation & A case study on Hu Shi 's translational activity

  6. 第一部分:引言,概括胡适传记研究现状和本文研究意义。

    The first part : The introduction , summarizes the Hu Shi biography research present situation and this article studies the significance .

  7. 胡适诗歌翻译研究&从诗学角度的解读

    A Descriptive Study of Hu Shi 's Poetry Translation from the Perspective of Poetics

  8. 但开风气&论胡适的诗经研究

    Hu Shis Studies on The Book of Songs

  9. 新文化运动时期胡适女性主义思想研究综述

    On HU Shi 's Feminist Thought during the New Culture Movement

  10. 五四时期胡适妇女解放思想研究

    The Study on Hu Shi 's Thoughts of Female Liberation During the May 4 ~( th ) Movement