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  1. “产品创新是今后的发展重点,”上海纽银梅隆西部基金管理有限公司(bnymellonwesternfundmanagement)总经理胡斌说道。

    " Product innovation is the core development in the future , " says Hu bin , Shanghai-based chief executive of bny Mellon Western fund management .

  2. 胡斌表示,有股东美国纽约梅隆银行(bnymellon)的支持,纽银梅隆西部基金管理公司在投资海外方面就具备了一项优势。

    With the support of its shareholder , US-based bny Mellon , the company has an advantage in investing overseas , says Mr Hu .

  3. 胡斌表示,今年该公司将继续开发新产品。

    Mr Hu says the company will continue to develop new products this year .

  4. 这使得网民们怀疑警方在事件发生后并没有将胡斌拘留。

    This caused netizens to doubt whether the police had placed him under detention after the incident .

  5. 胡斌认为,目前中国基金公司要在海外扩张为时尚早,因为他们缺乏相关经验和人才。

    Hu believes it is too early for Chinese fund firms to expand overseas because they lack experience and talent .

  6. 从5月9日早上起,网民们就在网上公布了胡斌家人的姓名、职业、工作单位、家庭住址以及联系方式等信息。

    From early morning of May9 , netizens published the names , occupations , work units , home address and contact information of his family .

  7. 30岁的上海白领胡斌(音)回忆,他是通过盗版光盘和在线网站观看星战系列的。

    Hu Bin , a 30-year-old office worker in Shanghai , recalled relying on pirated discs and online websites to watch the Star Wars franchise .

  8. 胡斌表示,一待新规实施,纽银梅隆西部基金管理公司将竭力开拓银行和券商以外的新销售渠道。

    Mr Hu says bny Mellon western will try hard to seek other distribution channels aside from banks and securities firms when the new regulations are implemented .

  9. 一些网民说肇事司机胡斌的母亲陆红英是该三菱跑车的车主,她是杭州宝康网络通讯工程有限公司的法人代表。

    Some netizens said that Hu Bin 's mother Lu Hongying is the car owner and she is the legal representative for the Hangzhou Baokong Internet Communication Company Limited .

  10. 胡斌在上海一家电影院观看了这部星战新作,是首批观众之一,但他的评价是“不如我想的那么好”。

    He was among the first viewers to watch the new film at a cinema in Shanghai . But he rated it " not as good as I thought . "

  11. 第三部分主要是通过胡斌飙车案的争议来比较分析过失以危险方法危害公共安全罪与相关类似罪名在犯罪构成方面的特征。

    The third part , through the dispute of case Hu Bin drag racing to compare and analyze the case of similar to the characteristics of the composition of the crime .

  12. 肇事司机“富二代”胡斌和受害者“普通的工薪阶层”谭卓之间的强烈反差让网民们狂怒不已。

    The contrast between the " rich second generation " background of the driver Hu Bin and the " ordinary working-class background " of the deceased Tan Zhuo caused netizens to rage .

  13. 胡斌表示,总体来说,由于潜在投资工具或标的资产种类不足,中国基金公司在产品创新方面面临挑战。

    Mr Hu says Chinese fund firms are generally challenged when it comes to product innovation due to the lack of variety when it comes to potential investment tools or underlying assets .

  14. 在文中紧密结合胡斌飙车案对飙车行为进行理解分析,力求明确飙车行为的性质属性。

    In this section , in close connection with the case of the drag racing Hu Bin . To understand and sought to clear properties of motorcycle drag racing nature of the act .

  15. 杭州胡斌案、成都孙伟铭案和近来闹得沸沸扬扬的李刚之子案,再次把人们的视线引向了附带民事诉讼中的民事赔偿。

    The " Hang Zhou Hubin Case "," Chengdu Sun Weiming Case " and the recent notorious " Son of Li Gang Case " drew again our attestation to the compensation in accessory civil actions .

  16. 胡斌飙车案无论从主观心态还是客观方面来分析都不符合以危险方法危害公共安全罪,也不能定危险驾驶罪。

    Hu Bin , drag racing case in terms of subjective or objective state of mind to analyze the dangerous means are not consistent with the crime of endangering public safety can not be dangerous driving charge .

  17. 本部分通过对孙伟铭醉酒案与胡斌超速驾驶案的对比发现,司法实践中在处理这类案件时存在主观罪过的适用标准不统一的问题。

    This section through comparing the Sun Weiming drunken case with Hu Bin speeding driving case , we can find the problem that there is a non-uniform subjective standard of application of sin problem in dealing with such cases in Judicial practice .