
  • 网络cholesteric;Cholesteric Liquid Crystals;cholesteric phase
  1. 手性E型胆甾相液晶薄膜的制备与偏振特性研究

    Study on fabrication of chiral polymer cholesteric liquid crystal-E film and its polarization

  2. 通过偏光显微镜,X-ray衍射和透射电子显微镜研究,讨论了强磁场(9.4T)对不同浓度和溶剂的(E-CE)C胆甾相液晶溶液结构的影响。

    Observed by optical polarizing microscope , X-ray and TEM , effects of a high magnetic field ( with an intensity of 9.4 T ) on the ( E-CE ) C cholesteric structure with variation of concentration and solvents were investigated and discussed .

  3. P态刷新法在反射型多畴胆甾相液晶器件中的应用

    Application of Updating Drive Scheme with P State in Reflective CHLCD Displays

  4. 浓度越高,螺距P越大,意味着胆甾相的扭转力随浓度增加而减弱。

    The higher the concentration was , the larger the pitch was , implying the twisting power decreased with the increase of concentration .

  5. 胆甾相液晶的质谱研究&Ⅰ.EI、FD和CI质谱的比较

    Mass Spectrometry Research of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals ⅰ . Comparison of EI , FD and CI Mass Spectra

  6. 文章主要通过胆甾相液晶显示器件在P态和FC态的反射特征谱线和微观结构来研究表面性能对显示器件的反射率、多畴结构及阈值电压的影响。

    The reflectivity , multi-domain structure and threshold voltage of the liquid crystal devices were studied by the reflective properties of P and FC state and the microscopic structure .

  7. 通过显微镜下液晶屏的上电观察,调节脉冲数量和幅度,得到P态FC态和H态之间相变的微观过程,得出胆甾相液晶相变的过程和规律,为实际工艺制作提供了理论指导。

    Through modulating the amount and the peak value of waveform , the phase transition process has been observed under the microscope . It provides the theoretical foundation for the practical process .

  8. 本文讨论快帧速双稳态胆甾相(BCT)反射式显示器的设计。

    In this paper we discuss the design of fast framerate Bistable Chole-steric Texture ( BCT ) reflective displays .

  9. (E-CE)C/AA溶液中的AA快速聚合后,体系胆甾相选择性反射光的能力和选择性均有所降低,并且最大选择性反射光的波长(λmax)蓝移。

    The shift of the selective reflection wavelength of the cholesteric phase decreases with increasing the concentration of the ( E-CE ) C / AA cholesteric liquid crystalline solution .

  10. 通过调节胆甾相液晶的螺矩、聚合物的浓度和聚合反应条件,我们能使PSCT光阀性能最优化。

    We optimized the performance of the PSCT valve by adjusting the cholesteric pitch , the polymer concentration and polymerization condition .

  11. 聚合物促使稳定的胆甾相织构(Polymerstabilizedcholesterictexture简称PSCT)光阀是用胆甾相液晶/聚合物构成的,在偏压下呈现双稳态,并可用来制作无源矩阵多稳态显示器。

    The polymer stabilized cholesteric texture ( PSCT ) light valve is constructed using a cholesteric liquid crystal / polymer composite . It exhibits bistability at a bias voltage and is used to make a multiplexed display on a passive matrix .

  12. 由于驱动双稳态胆甾相液晶显示所需的典型峰&峰电压比STN-LCD的高2~3倍,因此,其瞬态电流可能非常大,以致会损坏大多数半导体驱动器。

    Since the typical peak to peak voltage needed to drive the bistable cholesteric display is two to three times higher than that for super twist nematic ( STN ) displays , the transient current can be excessively large and detrimental to most semiconductor divers .

  13. 实现反射型多畴胆甾相液晶器件字符显示的驱动研究

    Research on the Driving of Character Display on Reflective Multi-domain CHLCD

  14. 纤维素衍生物胆甾相液晶体系的结构及光学性能

    Structure and Optical Property of Cellulose Derivatives Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline System

  15. 波形转换-速率对双稳态胆甾相液晶显示的影响

    Effect of Waveform Slew - rate on Bistable Cholesteric Displays

  16. 胆甾相液晶的制备及其显色示温混合液晶的配制

    Preparation of Cholesterol Ester Liquid Crystals and Confection of Color-forming Liquid Crystals

  17. 电场对胆甾相液晶的作用

    The action of electric field on liquid crystals cholesteric phase

  18. 胆甾相是聚肽液晶最常见的相态。

    Cholesteric phase is the most common phase in liquid crystalline polypeptides .

  19. 胆甾相液晶薄膜圆偏振滤光器

    Circular Polarization Filters Made of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Thin Films

  20. 柔性单体分子聚合物稳定胆甾相正模式液晶光阀

    Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Texture Normal-mode Light Shutters from Flexible Monomers

  21. 关于胆甾相液晶选择反射特性的探讨

    Research on Choice Reflection of Cholesteric Phase Liquid Crystals

  22. 该图像对认识胆甾相液晶的各种织构,理解胆甾相液晶在双稳态显示器的应用原理具有一定的意义。

    These photographs are useful in understanding the principle of bistable cholesteric displays .

  23. 灰度双稳态胆甾相显示的脉冲序列寻址

    Pulse Sequence Addressing for Gray Scale Bistable Cholesteric Displays

  24. 胆甾相液晶可见光布拉格反射实验

    An experiment on the Bragg reflection of light from a cholesteric liquid crystal

  25. 快帧速双稳态胆甾相反射式显示器

    Fast Frame Rate Bistable Cholesteric Texture Reflective displays

  26. 表面能对磁致胆甾相-向列相转变的影响

    Influence of the Surface Energy on the Cholesteric-nematic Phase Transition Induced by Magnetic Field

  27. 胆甾相液晶在彩色显示技术中的应用

    Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Application in Color Display Technology

  28. 反射型胆甾相液晶显示器件光电特性研究

    Research on the Photoelectric Characteristic of Reflective Chlcd

  29. 静电场中多畴结构胆甾相液晶的物理变化过程

    Phase Transformation Processes of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal with Domain Structure in Static Electronic Field

  30. 胆甾相液晶对温度敏感,可显示出艳丽色彩。

    The cholesteric liquid crystal was sensitively changed with temperature and displayed bright colors .