
  • 网络Deficiency of lung and spleen qi;deficiency of the lung-qi and spleen-qi
  1. 肺脾气虚的患儿容易患肺系、脾系疾病,按现代医学分类,属于亚健康状态。

    Children with DLS are susceptible to lung , spleen system diseases , which are classified in the sub-health state , according to moder medicine classification .

  2. A组所用中药遵循辨证论治分为肺脾气虚、肺热痰湿、肺胃阴虚和气滞血瘀型。

    Four types were found in the group A : the Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency type , the Lung Heat and Phlegm-Dampness type , the Lung-Yin and Stomach-Yin Deficiency type and the Qi stagnation and blood stasis type .

  3. 方法对80例老年性嗓音病患者进行辨证分型,分为肺脾气虚、肺肾阴虚和肾精不足三型,应用中药治疗,并进行临床观察和统计。

    Methods First the 80 SLPD cases were differentiated to 3 types which are deficiency of the spleen-energy and lung-energy , deficiency of the lung - yin and kidney - yin , and kidney-essence deficiency , then be treated with Traditional Chinese .

  4. 方法:1.把40例肺脾脾气虚夹食积型反复呼吸道感染患儿随机分为治疗组(加味玉屏风散组)和空白对照组。

    The 40 children suffering from Spleen Deficiency with Food Damage of Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection ( RRTI ) were randomly divided into the Treatment Group ( treated by Modified Yupingfeng recipe ) and the Blank Control Group . 2 .

  5. 而缓解期是以肺脾肾三脏气虚、阳虚、阴虚为主要表现,伴有淤血、痰湿内阻等标实的虚实夹杂,以虚为主的并病期。

    The remission is based on three dirty lung spleen and kidney qi deficiency , yang deficiency , yin deficiency as the main performance , accompanied by congestion , phlegm and other resistance standard mixture of real and the reality to virtual-based and stage of disease .

  6. 广东地区气候炎热潮湿,感邪夹湿更易碍脾伤肺,因此儿童肺脾气虚的体质十分常见。

    The hot and humid climate in Guangdong , the humid pathogenic factor more likely to hinder the spleen and lung , therefore children DLS constitution is very common .