
  • 网络liver metastases;metastatic tumors of the liver;liver metastatic cancer
  1. 应用多普勒超声对肝转移癌及肝硬化患者的血流动力学研究

    Study on hepatic hemodynamics in patients with liver metastases and cirrhosis by using Doppler ultrasound

  2. 病理组织学证实肝转移癌细胞具有人结肠癌(低分化腺癌)特征。

    The pathological results showed that tumour cells of liver metastases accorded with poorly differentiated human colonic adenocarcinoma .

  3. 不同病理类型肝转移癌超声造影与增强CT对比研究

    Contrast study on contrast-enhanced ultrasound and contrast-enhanced CT in different pathological types metastatic liver tumors

  4. 肝转移癌的DSA表现及介入性治疗

    The DSA Characteristics and the Transluminal Therapy of Hepatic Metastatic Carcinoma

  5. 变性凝胶电泳和自动DNA序列分析检测结直肠肝转移癌p53基因突变的研究

    Study the detection of p53 gene mutation on colorectal cancer and liver metastasis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and automated sequencing

  6. 方法:5例小肝癌、3例肝转移癌在CT引导下经皮乙酸注射化学灭活术。

    Methods : 5 small hepatocellular carcinomas ( HCCs ) and3 hepatic metastatic carcinomas ( HMCs ) were performed chemo ablation of PAI under the CT guidance .

  7. 结论CEUS对肝转移癌具有重要诊断价值。

    Conclusions CEUS plays an important role in dignosis of metastatic liver tumors .

  8. 目的比较应用草酸铂与5-氟脲嘧啶(5-Fu)联合的介入治疗方案与单用5-Fu介入治疗方案对结直肠癌术后多发性肝转移癌患者的疗效及副作用。

    Objective To compare the effect and side effect of 5-Fu combined with eloxatin and 5-Fu in interventional therapy of colorectal cancer with to the liver metastasis after surgical operation .

  9. 原发病灶不明的肝转移癌:Montpellier癌症中心的经验

    Hepatic metastases from carcinomas of unknown primary site : Experience of the montpellier cancer center

  10. 结论腹腔镜切除并联合应用RFA和125I粒子植入治疗晚期直肠癌并肝转移癌具有微创、安全、疗效确切、术后恢复快等优点。

    Conclusions Laparoscopic excision , Iodine-125 and radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of rectal carcinoma with synchronous hepatic metastasis is safe 、 effective 、 minimally invasive .

  11. 方法:回顾分析145例转移性肝癌DSA表现,其中原发癌明确的134例,11例行DSA后诊断为肝转移癌。

    Methods : DSA manifestations of metastatic hepatic tumor in 145 cases were studied retrospectively , of them , 134 cases were the primary carcinoma and 111 cases were diagnosed as metastatic carcinomas after IADSA .

  12. 方法:经PCS化疗灌注治疗14例晚期恶性肿瘤(原发性肝癌5例,肝转移癌3例,肺癌5例,胃癌1例)。

    Method : 14 patients with late malignant tumors received PCS therapy and among them , 5 patients were primary liver cancer , 3 metastatic cancer , 5 lung cancer and 1 gastric cancer .

  13. 方法:应用基波CPA及CEUS检测43例肝转移癌和35例肝良恶性肿瘤。首先应用二维灰阶超声常规检查肝脏,观察肝脏肿瘤的位置、大小、形态、内部回声;

    Methods : Forty-three cases of metastatic liver tumors ( MLT ) and 35 cases of hepatic benign and malignant tumors were examined with basic wave CPA and PIH CEUS .

  14. 肝转移癌的RR显著高于对照组和肝硬化组(P<0-05,P<0-01)。肝硬化组的RR又低于正常对照组(P<0-05)。

    The RR of the metastases group was higher than that of the control and cirrhotic groups ( P < 0.05 , P < 0 01 ), and the RR of the cirrhotic group was lower than that of controls ( P < 0 05 ) .

  15. 方法32例结直肠癌患者以Seldinger法行术前选择性动脉造影辅助诊断原发癌及肝转移癌,并行区域动脉灌注化疗。

    Method 32 patients underwent preoperative selective arterial angiography by Seldinger 's procedure to help in diagnosing the primary cancer and metastasis to the liver and received intraarterial regional chemotherapy .

  16. 临床应用对象为根据计算方案治疗的原发性肝癌患者83例及肝转移癌患者58例,计141例162个肿瘤,大小为3.6~7.7(4.79±0.96)cm。

    Based on this mathematical protocol , 141 patients with 162 hepatic tumors ( 4.79 ± 0.96 cm in diameter , range of tumor size 3.6 ~ 7.7 cm ) were enrolled and treated , including 83 cases of primary hepatic carcinoma and 58 cases of liver metastatic cancer .

  17. 治疗后7d腹部彩超,2例肝转移癌4个结节有肿瘤组织残留,进行了第2次射频治疗。

    After a seven day therapy the color ultrasonography showed there remained tumorous tissues ( residual ) in four nodules of two cases of metastatic liver cancer , to whom second RF ablation therapy was given .

  18. 方法总结分析行TACE治疗的67例肝转移癌的造影表现及疗效,全部病例均经2次以上TACE或TAC治疗,共230次。

    Methods : Summarize and analyse angiographic appearances and therapeutic efficacy of TAC alone or TACE in 67 patients with hepatic metastases in our hospital from 1989 to 1997 , which received at least 2 times of interventional treatments .

  19. 肝转移癌(MLC)131例,330个癌灶,癌灶直径平均为3.9cm,原发灶69.5%(91例)来自胃肠道。

    There were 131 cases of metastatic liver carcinoma ( MLC ), with 330 metastases in the liver , the average diameter was 3.9 cm , and the liver metastases of 91 patients ( 69.5 % ) came from gastrointestinal tract .

  20. 4例肝转移癌端粒酶活性均阳性,4例癌旁组织中,2例端粒酶表达阳性。

    Four hepatic metastatic cancer and 2 adjacent tissues were positive .

  21. 对比增强谐波超声显像肝转移癌及血流特征

    Contrast material-enhanced gray-scale ultrasonography imaging in hepatic metastases and vascular features

  22. 肝转移癌扫描图微机处理结果

    The Result of Liver Scanning Processed by Microcomputer in Patients with Metastatic Liver Cancer

  23. 肝转移癌切除7例。

    Resection of hepatic metastasis in 7 cases .

  24. 乳腺癌术后肝转移癌的声像图特点

    Ultrasonography of Liver Metastasis after Breast Carcinoma Operation

  25. 放射性粒子组织间永久植入治疗肝转移癌

    Interstitial implantation brachytherapy for liver metastatic carcinoma

  26. 无水酒精局部注射治疗肝转移癌(附21例病例分析)

    Metastatic cancer of liver treated by absolute ethanol injection ( report of 21 cases )

  27. 因此,肝转移癌的早期诊断是提高生存率的关键。

    Early diagnosis is the key .

  28. 目的观察肝转移癌超声造影表现并探讨其临床应用价值。

    Value of serum CEA , SF and AFP determination in diagnosis of metastatic liver cancer ;

  29. 肝转移癌超声造影动脉相血流灌注特征型式的研究

    Study on blood flow perfusion patterns of liver metastases during the arterial phase using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography

  30. 腹腔镜直肠癌切除联合微波刀一期治疗肝转移癌的体会

    The experience of laparoscopic resection of rectal carcinomas combined with microwave knife for treatment of hepatic metastasis