
  • 网络zhaoyuan county
  1. 肇源县中心抽水站技术改造工程效益分析

    The analysis on technical reformation project profit of center pump station in Zhaoyuan County

  2. 肇源县中心抽水站改造工程施工监理控制措施浅议基坑工程的施工监理

    Construction and supervision and control measure of central water pump station rebuilding project in Zhaoyuan County

  3. 结论如下:1.经PCR-DGGE分析,采集自肇源县的原始湿地淤泥与富集一代淤泥在细菌多样性方面略有差异。

    The results showed : There is a little of difference between with the original wetland silt collected from Zhaoyuan and the enrichment cultured silt F1 in bacterial diversity .

  4. 黑龙江省肇源县华支睾吸虫病流行现状调查分析

    On the competitiveness of county branches for commercial bank Investigation and analysis on prevalence condition of Clonorchis infection in Zhaoyuan country of Heilongjiang province

  5. 分析了黑龙江省肇源县境内引洪闸消能工设计中存在的问题,并提出了设计消能工的改进措施。

    In this paper , the problems in the energy reducing design of flood diversion gate in Zhaoyuan county of Heilongjiang Province were analysed , and some improvement measures were put forward .