
jù zhònɡ dòu ōu zuì
  • crime of affray
  1. 对首要分子和积极参加者的处罚也要根据其在聚众斗殴罪中作用大小分清主次,分别处罚。

    The punishment to ringleader and protagonist also need to distinguish primary and secondary function among the crime of affray , differentiate punishment .

  2. 聚众斗殴罪是由1979年刑法的流氓罪分离出来,规定在我国现行《刑法》第六章妨害社会管理秩序罪的第一节扰乱公共秩序罪中。

    The crime of affray is separated from the crime of hooliganism in criminal law in 1979 . The rule is in the first segment offence of disturbance of public order of Chapter 6 crime against social administration in the actual Criminal Law .

  3. 聚众斗殴罪只能由直接故意构成。

    The crime of affray can only be constituted with direct intention .

  4. 聚众斗殴罪的主体是首要分子和积极参加者。

    The subject who may commit the affray Crime is ringleader and active participant .

  5. 然后指出了研究聚众斗殴罪特定问题在司法实践中的现实意义与理论研究中的独特价值。

    Then presents the particular value in academic study and jurisdictional practice to study it .

  6. 聚众斗殴罪系从修订前《刑法》规定的流氓罪分解而来。

    The crime of affray is decomposed from hooliganism set by the previous Criminal Law .

  7. 论聚众斗殴罪

    On the crime of gathering to assault

  8. 行为人是否具有流氓动机不应当是聚众斗殴罪的成立要件。

    Whether the actor has rogue motivation should not be an essential factor of Affray Crime .

  9. 聚众斗殴罪相关问题研究聚众斗殴罪:理论与实践探讨

    Relevant Issues on the Crime of Affray The Theoretic and Practical Study on Crime of Affray

  10. 聚众斗殴罪在犯罪构成上为基本构成与加重构成相结合的犯罪构成模式。

    The legislature uses the model of basic elements and aggravated elements to stipulate the crime of affray .

  11. 此案中其他几名“打手”也分别因犯聚众斗殴罪被判刑。

    The case in several other " thugs " were also found guilty of affray and was sentenced .

  12. 聚众斗殴罪需具有流氓动机,主观故意为互殴的故意,即双方均需具有斗殴的故意。

    Affray must have rogue motivation , subjective intent to deliberately melee that both sides need to be intentional with the brawl .

  13. 聚众斗殴罪从1979年刑法中的流氓罪分解而来,是扰乱公共秩序罪的典型犯罪之一。

    The crime of affray resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979 , it was the model of the crime of disrupting public order .

  14. 聚众斗殴罪的主体为首要分子与积极参加者,首要分子均为主犯、积极参加者可区分主从犯。

    Affray with the main body of the primary elements active participant , the primary elements are the principal , active participants can distinguish between the main accomplice .

  15. 现行《刑法》第292条规定的聚众斗殴罪,分为基础构成和加重构成,有两种刑罚幅度,并且还有聚众斗殴的转化情节,条文简单,但内涵丰富。

    Affray crime stipulated by article 292 of the current Criminal Law contains the basis composes and aggravates formation mark , and has two kinds of penalties extent .

  16. 聚众斗殴罪作为聚众犯罪的一种,在司法实践中,作为共同犯罪、行为犯、转化犯认定时都引发了很多的争议。

    As a kind of mass crimes , the crime of affray always causes disputes on joint crime , behavioral offense , conversion of crime in judicial practices .

  17. 在认定聚众斗殴罪时,要注意罪数形态理论的正确运用。

    When making judgments about the action of gathering to assault , attention should be paid to the use of the theory of the state of crime quantity correctly .

  18. 我国刑法第292条规定的聚众斗殴罪,由于该条规定过于简单粗糙,造成司法认定的困难局面。

    Article 292 of the Criminal law makes provision for affray , which provides as too simple and rough , resulting in the judicial determination of a difficult situation .

  19. 考察一下聚众斗殴罪的犯罪客体可以得知,该罪是通过多数人相互斗殴的方式来对社会秩序造成损害。

    Look at the criminal object of the crime of affray may know , the crime fighting each other through most of the way to cause harm to social order .

  20. 而之所以出现上述适用法律不当的情况,很重要的原因就在于对聚众斗殴罪中聚众和持械的认定不够准确。

    The reason that the law applicable to the above cases of improper very important because of the Crime of the " gathering " and " armed " Recognition is not accurate enough .

  21. 但对聚众斗殴罪与故意伤害的共同犯罪的界限,考察聚众斗殴罪的犯罪目的具有刑法意义。

    However , as for the boundary of this crime and joint offence of assault and battery , to review the purpose of offence have a significant meaning in the criminal law practice .

  22. 因此探讨聚众斗殴罪中对行为人实施刑罚关键要考察行为人的主观方面。本文在此分两种情形加以讨论。

    Therefore , the discussion of the Crime of the penalty in the key actors to study the subjective aspects of human behavior On this paper such a case to be discussed at the two cases .

  23. 聚众斗殴罪是司法实践中常见的罪名,但现行立法对该罪的规定失之过简,导致实务中对聚众斗殴罪刑法理论理解与适用的分歧。

    Affray is a common judicial practice charges , but the existing legislative provisions of the crime had lost the simple , practical result of the affray in the understanding and application of criminal law theory differences .

  24. 因此,聚众斗殴罪是司法认定中争议比较大的一个罪名,对于该罪争议问题的分析和探讨有助于更好地指导司法实践,为准确做到定罪量刑奠定理论基础。

    In the judicial process of definition , it is a controversial crime . The analysis and discussion of the controversial issues of the crime can help to guide the judicial practice , and lay the theoretical basis for the accurate conviction and sentence .

  25. 在有预谋、策划的情况下,聚众行为是聚众斗殴罪的犯罪预备行为;

    In premeditation , the action of gathering is the preparative state of the crime of gathering to assault ;

  26. 本文选取了近期发生的一起真实的且引起一定争议的聚众斗殴案例,对于本案例所涉及的关于聚众斗殴罪的若干法律问题作出探讨。

    This paper select a recent incident of affray case that caused some controversy , in order to explore certain legal issues involved in this case .