
nài shí ɡānɡ
  • corrosion-resisting steel
  1. 铁路车辆用TCS耐蚀钢的焊接性研究

    Research on the weldability of TCS corrosion resistant steel for railway wagon

  2. 焊接后热处理对20g抗腐蚀性能的影响抗腐蚀钢,耐蚀钢,不锈钢

    Influence of Post Heat Treatment after Welding on Corrosive Resistance of the 20g Steel

  3. 通过冷裂敏感性试验、焊接热影响区最高硬度试验及可调拘束试验,对新型铁路车辆用TCS耐蚀钢的焊接性进行了深入系统分析。

    The weldability of TCS corrosion resistant stainless steel for railway wagon was investigated by cold cracking sensitivity test , HAZ maximum hardness test and varestraint test .

  4. 新型Fe-Cr-Mo-V系热强耐蚀钢的热处理工艺

    Heat treatment of a new type of thermal strengthening and corrosion resistance steel Fe-Cr-Mo-V

  5. 新型Fe-Cr-Mo-V-Nb系热强耐蚀钢的成分设计与组织控制

    Compostion Design and Microstructure Control of New Type Fe-Cr-Mo-V-Nb Heat Strength and Corrosion Resistance Steel

  6. 生产无镍耐蚀钢电焊管的新工艺

    New processes for the production of non-Ni and anti-corrosion ERW pipes

  7. 不锈钢/不锈钢圆头型抗腐蚀钢,耐蚀钢,不锈钢

    Stainless Steel / Stainless Steel Dome Head corrosion resistant stee

  8. 氢蚀430不锈钢中超声表面波的传播特性抗腐蚀钢,耐蚀钢,不锈钢

    Propagation Characteristics of Ultrasonic Surface Wave in Hydrogen Attacked 430 Stainless Steel

  9. 某钢筋混凝土桥钢筋锈蚀产生原因及修补方法抗腐蚀钢,耐蚀钢,不锈钢

    Causes and Repairing Methods for Reinforcement Rust Corrosion of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge

  10. 车辆用耐蚀钢热轧钢板防止铜脆的工艺研究

    Research on Prevention of Copper-brittleness Process for Hot Rolling Plate of Atmospheric Corrosion-resisting Steel Used in Vehicle

  11. 抗腐蚀钢,耐蚀钢,不锈钢详细讨论了表面活性剂含量对锌基涂料的耐蚀性的影响。

    In addition , the effects of the content of surfactants on the corrosion resistance of Zn-base coating were discussed in detail .

  12. 铜、铬、镍等大气耐腐蚀元素被添加到增加天气、耐蚀钢结构。

    Such atmospheric corrosion resistant elements as Cu , Cr , and Ni are added to structural steel to increase both weather and corrosion resistance .

  13. 耐磨耐蚀钢发展途径的探索国产新型塑料模具钢主要有预硬钢、时效硬化钢、淬火&回火钢、冷挤压成型模具钢、耐蚀钢等类型。

    The new domestic - developed plastic mould steels include prehardening steel . age hardening steel , quenching-tempering steel , cold - forming steel , and anti - corrosion steel , etc.

  14. 本文探讨了耐蚀钢的氧化皮物相组成、显微结构与钢耐蚀性的关系。冷轧板氧化皮的物相组成为纤铁矿、非晶质氢氧化铁以及金属铁颗粒。

    The relation between atmospheric corrosion resistance and the composition and microstructure of scales of weathering steel is discussed The scale of cold-rolled plates consists of lepidocrocites , iron hydroxides and dispersed iron particles .

  15. 许多观察人士认为,如果中国钢铁产业要想提高效率,进入价值更高的产品领域(例如用于汽车的耐蚀钢或用于造船的厚钢板),它们就需要这些东西。

    According to many observers , the Chinese steel industry needs these if it is to boost efficiencies and move into higher-value product areas , for instance corrosion-resistant sheets for cars or heavy plate used in shipbuilding .

  16. 本文概述了高强度低合金钢、合金结构钢、超高强度钢、不锈耐蚀钢、耐热钢、工具钢、模具钢、轴承钢等合金钢的现状和发展趋势。

    The present status and future trend of alloy steel grades , such as high strength low alloy steel , alloy structure steel , ultrahigh strength steel , stainless steel , heat resistance steel , tool and die steel and bearing steel were reviewed in this paper .

  17. 耐蚀玻璃钢在磷酸装置中的应用

    Application of glass fiber reinforced plastics to phosphoric acid facilities

  18. 耐蚀玻璃钢工程造价分析

    Cost analysis of anti-corrosion FRP project

  19. 通过控制焊缝质量、更换仪表风和选用耐蚀的Cr-Mo钢材质可使腐蚀得到控制。

    Improving the welding quality , replacing instrument air and selecting corrosion-resistant material like Cr - Mo can help to control the corrosion .

  20. 综述了高硅不锈钢和高硅镍合金的耐硫酸腐蚀性能后指出,要使高硅不锈钢具有良好的耐蚀性能,钢中的碳、氮含量要低;硅含量要大于4.5%~5.5%;

    Stainless steel will have good corrosion resistance with lower carbon and nitrogen contents , silicon content over 4.5 % ~ 5.5 % , micro alloy elements , and uniform heat treatment after the sulphuric acid resistance of high silicon stainless steel and high silicon nickel alloy was described .

  21. 室内腐蚀挂片试验和电化学性能测试结果表明,低磁钢的耐蚀性比3C钢要差;

    The result of laboratory exposure test and electrochemical test indicate that the corrosion resistance of low-magnetic steel is worse than that of 3C steel .