
  • 网络Writers Guild of America;The WGA;Paul Selvin Honorary Award
  1. 美国编剧工会成员需要与电影电视制作人联盟共同批准该三年合约。

    Members of the Writers Guild of America are expected to approve the three-year deal with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers .

  2. 1959年,这部电影获得了美国编剧工会奖提名,但又一次失败。在电影制作和上映时期,柯克·道格拉斯受到了许多的负面评论,饰演反战争角色让他在经济上遭受损失。

    In 1959 the film was nominated for a Writers ' Guild of America Award but again lost.During the production and release of the movie , Kirk Douglas experienced significant negative publicity and financial loss for his role in the making of such an anti-war film .