
lí huàn
  • suffer from a (serious) disease
罹患 [lí huàn]
  • [suffer from a disease;fall ill] 患病

  • 罹患疫病

  1. 吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。

    Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease .

  2. X光的好处远远大于其在很小程度上增加的罹患癌症的风险。

    The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer .

  3. 就心脏病而言,从事重体力劳动的普通男性罹患概率最低。

    The average man doing hard physical work has the best record , from the point of view of heart disease

  4. 当你的家人罹患重病时,你的日常生活节奏,还有你对未来的所有设想都变得陌生了起来。

    When serious illness visits your household , it 's , not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar .

  5. 乳腺癌是女性最常罹患的癌症之一,仅去年一年就有200多万名新确诊的病例。

    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women , with more than 2 million new diagnoses last year alone .

  6. 如今谷歌健康中心的研究人员已训练出一个人工智能模型,它可以通过乳房扫描来检测英国和美国数千名女性是否罹患癌症。

    Now researchers at Google Health have trained an artificial intelligence model to detect cancer in breast scans from thousands of women in Britain and the United States .

  7. 许愿基金会(MakeaWishFoundation)给罹患末期疾病的孩童们一个美梦成真的机会;

    The Make a Wish Foundation gives terminally ill children a chance to have their dream come true .

  8. 这项由哈里斯互动公司(HarrisInteractive)进行的调查询问了400名罹患癌症的成年人,他们都在确诊后选择继续工作。

    The Harris Interactive survey queried 400 adults diagnosed with cancer who were working .

  9. 据世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)说,空气污染还增加了罹患其他疾病的风险,特别是呼吸道和心脏疾病。世界卫生组织去年将室外空气污染归入致癌物。

    Air pollution also increases risks for other diseases , especially respiratory and heart diseases , according to the World Health Organization , which classified outdoor air pollution as a carcinogen last year .

  10. 阿古斯也给自己的DNA画了像,还把结果展示在书里公之于众——他发现自己存在罹患心脏病的风险。

    When Agus had his own DNA profiled - the results are in the book for all to see - he found he was at risk of having a heart attack .

  11. 我们使用Cox回归模型来估计罹患癌症的风险并根据潜在的混淆因素进行校正。

    We used Cox regression models to estimate the risk of cancer and adjust for potential confounding factors .

  12. 子宫内膜异位症(EMs)是妇科的常见病、多发病,约有10%15%的育龄妇女罹患此病。

    Endometriosis ( EMs ) is a common gynecological disorder , with an incidence of 10-15 % in reproductive aged women .

  13. 方法对31例可疑罹患下肢血管病的糖尿病患者依次行MRA、DSA造影检查;

    MethodsPreoperative bolus-chase MRA and angiography ( DSA ) were performed consecutively in31 diabetic patients with suspected lower limb vascular occlusion .

  14. 结果1.本地区2003年8月至2004年11月GDM的期间罹患率为11.01%(109/990);

    Results 1 . The period prevalence of GDM is 11.01 % in local area ;

  15. 结论母亲感染RV可能通过乳汁传染给自己的婴幼儿使其罹患RV肠炎。

    ConclusionRotavirus infections can be passed from mothers milk to infants and make infants infected with rotavirus enteritis .

  16. 已罹患“普通”结核即非耐药结核患者怎样能避免感染XDR-TB?

    How can a person who already has'ordinary'TB i.e drug-sensitive TB , avoid getting XDR-TB ?

  17. 上周,世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)发布了一项研究报告,认定手机“可能致癌”,此结论主要基于一项研究发现:重度手机用户罹患神经胶质瘤的风险增加了40%。

    The World Health Organization study released last week classified cell phones as " possibly carcinogenic to humans , " based largely on a study that found a 40 % increased risk for a cancer called gliomas among heavy cell phone users .

  18. 有证据显示抗病毒药物对治疗H1N1病毒感染后罹患并发症风险较高的病人尤为有效。

    Evidence shows that antivirals have been especially effective for treating patients at increased risk of developing complications from H1N1 [ 1 ] .

  19. 实际上,DES的益处在高危患者中体现得更加明显,譬如罹患近期MI的患者、植入个支架的患者等。

    In fact , the benefit of DES was most pronounced in higher-risk patients , such as those who experienced recent MI and those who received multiple stents .

  20. 对于慢性稳定型心绞痛患者,PCI能缓解其症状,但并不能降低死亡率及罹患急性心肌梗死(MI)的风险。

    In patients with chronic stable angina , percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) reduces symptoms but does not affect mortality or risk for acute myocardial infarction ( MI ) .

  21. 实际上在感染Hp的人群中只有少数人出现肠胃道的不适,而许多患者在感觉胃肠不适前,就已经受到Hp感染,身处于罹患各种疾病的危险当中而毫不察觉。

    A minority of people infected with Hp appear gastrointestinal discomfort . Meanwhile , many patients have been infected before appearance of gastrointestinal discomfort , so they absolutely are not aware of them .

  22. 成年男性罪犯的人格障碍及应对方式PANSS在罹患精神分裂症罪犯中的试用

    Study on Personality Disorder and Coping Style Among Male Adult Criminals The PANSS on probation in the criminals with schizophrenia

  23. 世界卫生组织再次确认,当禽类产品得到安全处理和适当烹调时,人类没有通过食物罹患H5N1感染的危险。

    The World Health Organization reconfirms that , when poultry products are safely handled and properly cooked , humans are not at risk of acquiring H5N1 infection through food .

  24. 多因素非条件Logistic回归分析表明,保守治疗方式、入住ICU、罹患感染、肿瘤、脑部肿瘤、自身免疫疾病、联合用药是不合理用药的相关因素。

    Multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that the conservative treatment , check the ICU , risk of infectious , cancer , autoimmune diseases , and the combination are related with irrational drug use . 3 .

  25. 运用成本-效益分析方法,以2005年南昌市预计HBV感染母亲及新生儿作为成本研究对象,该年乙肝罹患率?

    A cost-benefit analysis was conducted . The expected mothers and their newborns infected with HBV in Nanchang in 2005 were taken as the cost study subjects , and the newly discovered hepatitis B patients as benefit study subjects ;

  26. 如果所计算的病毒年龄是正确的话,SIV已经有了成千上万年来进化生活于宿主却并不导致宿主罹患艾滋病的能力。

    If the calculated age is correct , SIV has had millennia to evolve its ability to live in its hosts without causing AIDS .

  27. 不过,同期内减少相同红肉摄入量者随后四年罹患II型糖尿病的风险并未下降,但更长时间内减少红肉摄入量令患病风险减少了14%。

    However , reducing red-meat consumption by the same amount during the same time period didn 't cut the risk of diabetes during the next four years . It did reduce the risk by 14 % over a longer time period , though .

  28. 我们和国外的研究表明,ESRD患者的循环晚期糖基化终产物(AGE)水平异常增高,在罹患有动脉粥样硬化的ESRD患者的血管壁中也检查到了AGE沉积。

    Data of our and other laboratories have shown the circular levels of advanced glycation end products ( AGEs ) in ESRD patients are abnormally elevated and AGE precipitations were found in the vessel walls of ESRD patients suffered with atherosclerosis .

  29. 前谷歌(Google)大中华区总裁李开复(LeeKai-fu)上周四晚间在其新浪认证微博账户中发布了一篇隐晦的微博,最先暗示自己罹患癌症。

    Lee Kai-fu , former head of China operations for Google , first suggested that he had been hit with the disease in a somewhat cryptic post on his verified Sina Weibo microblog feed late Thursday night .

  30. 虽然以往的研究也发现红肉摄入与II型糖尿病存在联系,但这项新研究被认为是研究员首次追踪到长时间内红肉摄入的变化与罹患II型糖尿病风险的关系。

    While prior studies have also found a link between red-meat consumption and the development of Type 2 diabetes , the new analysis is believed to be the first time researchers have tracked changes in red-meat consumption over time with the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes .