
  • 网络Suffer from cancer;cancerphobia
  1. X光的好处远远大于其在很小程度上增加的罹患癌症的风险。

    The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer .

  2. 如今谷歌健康中心的研究人员已训练出一个人工智能模型,它可以通过乳房扫描来检测英国和美国数千名女性是否罹患癌症。

    Now researchers at Google Health have trained an artificial intelligence model to detect cancer in breast scans from thousands of women in Britain and the United States .

  3. 根据英国癌症研究所(CancerResearchUK)的研究,54%的男性和48%的女性会在生命中某刻罹患癌症。

    According to Cancer Research UK , 54 % of men and 48 % of women will get cancer at some point in their lives .

  4. 这项由哈里斯互动公司(HarrisInteractive)进行的调查询问了400名罹患癌症的成年人,他们都在确诊后选择继续工作。

    The Harris Interactive survey queried 400 adults diagnosed with cancer who were working .

  5. 有大量涉及这方面的内容而不仅仅是告知患者罹患癌症、HIV或者其它疾病。

    There 's a great deal more involved in this than just telling the patient you have cancer , HIV , or some other disease .

  6. 我们使用Cox回归模型来估计罹患癌症的风险并根据潜在的混淆因素进行校正。

    We used Cox regression models to estimate the risk of cancer and adjust for potential confounding factors .

  7. 最近,在《美国医学会期刊·肿瘤学》(JAMAOncology)上发表的论文显示,研究者试图量化健康的生活方式可以如何实质性地改变罹患癌症的风险。

    Most recently , in JAMA Oncology , researchers sought to quantify how a healthful lifestyle might actually alter the risk of cancer .

  8. 前谷歌(Google)大中华区总裁李开复(LeeKai-fu)上周四晚间在其新浪认证微博账户中发布了一篇隐晦的微博,最先暗示自己罹患癌症。

    Lee Kai-fu , former head of China operations for Google , first suggested that he had been hit with the disease in a somewhat cryptic post on his verified Sina Weibo microblog feed late Thursday night .

  9. 基于我们的评估和对目前全部可利用的安全性资料的分析,FDA得出的结论是:ARB类药物并不增加患者罹患癌症的风险。

    Based on our review and analysis of all currently available data regarding this potential safety signal , FDA has concluded that treatment with an ARB medication does not increase the risk of cancer .

  10. 然而,研究人员埃文·杜普勒(EvanDouple)总结道:“幸存者罹患癌症的风险相当低,低于公众的预期水平。”

    Instead , researcher Evan Douple concluded , ' The risk of cancer is quite low , lower than what the public might expect . '

  11. 该实验组组长ElaineHardman博士说:“核桃是能够降低罹患癌症风险的健康食品。”

    Still , " walnuts can be part of a healthy diet that can reduce your risk for cancer , " says lead researcher Elaine Hardman , Ph. D.

  12. 医学研究理事会的研究院linsaygray博士表示,这次首次详细地研究青年时期超重与后期罹患癌症之间的联系。

    Medical Research Council ( MRC ) researcher Dr LINSAY ( correct ) gray , said it was the first time the impact of obesity in early adulthood on later risk of cancer had been closely examined .

  13. 但这不清楚这项结论来自于何方,一个由欧洲癌症与营养前瞻性调查(Epic)两年前对超过40万人的饮食摄入量的大型研究发现食用水果和蔬菜与降低整体罹患癌症的风险之间只有微弱的联系。

    But it 's not clear where the evidence for this comes from and a large study by the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition ( Epic ) two years ago of the dietary intake of more than 400000 people found only a weak link between eating fruit and vegetables and a reduction in overall cancer risk .

  14. 52岁的李开复在一封电子邮件中证实了自己被诊断罹患癌症。

    Mr. Lee , 52 , confirmed the diagnosis in an email .

  15. 专家呼吁妇女减少体重以降低罹患癌症危险。

    Women urged to shed flab to cut cancer risk .

  16. 约翰自己也曾罹患癌症,但后来宣布彻底康复。

    John had his own battle with cancer but was given the all-clear .

  17. 最后一种毛病会引起颜面变形并增加童年罹患癌症的风险。

    The last causes facial deformities and an elevated risk of childhood cancer .

  18. 巴西民众与卢拉于同一天获知其罹患癌症;

    Brazilians learnt of Lula 's cancer the same day that he did ;

  19. 另外,我们还要看一位基因组成使她成为容易罹患癌症的妇女。

    Also , meet a young woman whose genetic makeup made her susceptible for cancer .

  20. 但是为什么会有那么多人罹患癌症呢?

    But why will so many people develop the disease at some point in their lives ?

  21. 她说,十年之前,很多人在工作时对自己罹患癌症讳莫如深。

    A decade ago , many people kept their cancer a secret at work , she claims .

  22. 外部环境致癌因素是指环境中的污染物等导致罹患癌症的危险升高的因素。

    External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment such as pollutants that increase risk for cancer .

  23. 排除所有的风险是不可能的,实情是,我还是会易于罹患癌症。

    It is not possible to remove all risk , and the fact is I remain prone to cancer .

  24. 不过,动物研究结果均显示,长期接触射频场不会增加罹患癌症风险。

    However , results of animal studies consistently show no increased cancer risk for long-term exposure to radiofrequency fields .

  25. 近期的研究显示,茶能够降低罹患癌症和心脏病的风险,还能延缓衰老。

    Recent studies suggest that tea can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and retard the aging process .

  26. 我们声明过生物罹患癌症的主要原因是由于绝望,想死的欲望。

    We have stated that the primary reason creatures develop cancer is due to despair , a desire to die .

  27. 而我们真正关心的是,通过改变自己的行为,我们可以在多大程度上降低罹患癌症的风险。

    What we really care about is how much we can reduce our own risk of cancer by changing our behavior .

  28. 既往研究多涉及肾移植受者,故对不同器官移植受者的大规模研究可用以证实实体器官移植受者罹患癌症的病因。

    Because most prior research has concerned kidney recipients , large studies that include recipients of differing organs can inform cancer etiology .

  29. 据报道,道克瑞的未婚夫迪宁先生罹患癌症,周日早晨于爱尔兰科克的马丽曼医院不幸去世。

    Mr Dineen died in Cork 's Marymount Hospital on Sunday morning after being diagnosed with cancer , it has been reported .

  30. 素食中含有大量的抗氧化成分、植物营养素和维生素,这些都能帮助素食主义者降低罹患癌症和其他疾病的风险。

    With a diet rich in antioxidants , phytochemical , and vitamins , vegetarians naturally lower their risk of cancer and other diseases .
