
  • 网络Rhodes;Rhodes Town
  1. 工作室详尽讨论城市环境的设计,尤其是罗得岛普罗维登斯市的情况。

    This studio discusses in great detail the design of urban environments , specifically in Providence , RI .

  2. 本工作室通过集中于罗得岛普罗维登斯市的房屋及公共空间设计专题,探索建筑与城市设计之间的接口。

    This studio explores the interface between architecture and urban design through projects focused on the design of housing and public space in Providence , Rhode Island .

  3. 1957年,也就是奥黛丽赫本海拍摄报照片的四年后,谢尔顿·怀特豪斯夫人在罗得岛纽波特市举办的蒂凡尼的舞会上第二次佩戴了这颗钻石。嘎嘎,原名斯蒂芬妮·乔安妮·安吉莉娜·杰尔马诺塔,是第三个佩戴这颗黄钻的人。

    Gaga , born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta , is the third women to have ever worn the canary yellow diamond - after Mrs. Sheldon Whitehouse in 1957 at the Tiffany Ball in Newport , Rhode Island and then Audrey four years later for the publicity photographs .

  4. 这对伙伴离开科德角后就前往罗得岛的纽波特市。

    The pair left Cape Cod and headed to Newport , R.

  5. 全是由于妈妈的牺牲和伟大的梦想,我进入了常春藤联盟的罗得岛州普罗维登斯市的布朗大学。

    Thanks to my mom 's sacrifices and big dreams , I 'd made it to the Ivy League : Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island .