
  • 网络Primary Editing Language;Edit languages;Editing Languages;authoring language
  1. 在“主要编辑语言”列表中,单击您打算使用的主要语言。

    In the primary editing language list , click the primary language in which you plan to work .

  2. 要从该列表中删除主要编辑语言,您必须先在“主要编辑语言”列表中选择另一种语言。

    To remove the primary editing language from that list , you must first select another language in the primary editing language list .

  3. HTML是一个简单的网页编辑语言,但是他只能创建静态的网页。

    HTML is the simplest language for writing Web pages , but it allows you to create only static Web pages .

  4. Java或者VisualBasic.NET之间测试编辑语言的选择:测试脚本定制是强制性的,以执行大多数的基本测试。

    Choice of test editing language between Java or Visual Basic . NET : Test script customization is mandatory in order to perform anything but the most basic tests .

  5. 在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。

    In programming languages , transforming values to the representations specified by a given format .

  6. 编辑语言分为文字语言和形象语言两大类,具有表述功能、评价功能、导引功能、调剂功能和审美功能。

    Editorial language consists of graphic language and formal language , which have expressive , evaluative , adjustive and aesthetic functions .

  7. 每当您启用或禁用键盘布局时,更改将自动反映在“启用的编辑语言”列表中。

    Whenever you enable or disable a keyboard layout , the change is automatically reflected in the enabled editing languages list .

  8. 坚持对职业的追求,钻研、充实新知识,丰富的知识与信息的储备,编辑语言文字修养的提高是促使编辑直觉产生的条件。

    There are several conditions to the formation of the intuition of editors : renewing and enriching knowledge , sufficient knowledge and information reserve and the enhancement of writing capacity .

  9. Dreamweaver为编辑页面语言Web页面提供了很好的环境(尽管它不能生成部署描述符)。

    Dreamweaver provides an adequate environment for editing page language Web pages ( though it doesn 't generate deployment descriptors for you ) .

  10. 研究出版物中存在的编辑人工语言现象。

    The paper goes into artificial editing language phenomenon in publications .

  11. 编辑的语言文字观

    Linguistic Sense of an Editor

  12. 理想情况下,用户应当可以输入并编辑多语言文字&在学术界和法律界,这是很常见的任务。

    Ideally , a user should be able to input and edit multilingual text & a task common in scholarly and legal circles .

  13. 该系统提供一般的结构化图表示模型和基于该模型的编辑和语言,构成相当一类基于图的问题的方便表示和有力处理的基础。

    The system provides a general structural graph representation model an editor and a programming language based on the model . It constitutes a basis for convenient representation and efficient processing of a considerable class of graph-related problems .

  14. Nature摘要的编辑原则及语言特点

    The Nature Abstracts Editing Principles and Its Linguistic Features

  15. 主要解决了地质、采矿图形的输入,图形的控制显示.图形编辑,高级语言与AUTOCAD软件的联接,以及工程图纸的绘制问题。

    It can be used to input , display , and edit a various of engineering drawings , connect advanced language with Auto CAD software and make an engineering drawing .

  16. 编辑:面对语言时的迟疑

    G Language Editors : Their Hesitation in Front of Words

  17. 数据制表和编辑程序设计语言

    Data tabulation and editing programming

  18. 文章认为,版面美是吸引读者的重要手段,是编辑用版面语言表达对稿件态度的独特方式,是体现期刊个性的重要方面。

    The beauty of layout has a great influence on the periodical , and it is a good means to attract readers and a distinctive way to deal with the manuscript by resorting to the language of layout .

  19. 本文介绍了在UNIX系统环境下,利用M4宏处理技术和sed非交互式正文编辑,实现Pascal语言与C语言问可逆转换的方法,给出了类Pascal语言和类C语言的构造思想和实现技术。

    This paper introduces a kind of language transforming method between C language and Pascal language , it uses M_4 macro-processing and sed non-interactive tent edit technology under UNIX system environment . It also shows the implement of similar Pascal language and similar C language .

  20. 所以助理编辑有必要成为语言文字大师。

    So sub-editors must become masters of their language .

  21. 编辑读解稿件语言的艺术

    The Art for an Editor to Read and Comprehend the Language of Manuscripts

  22. 北美最畅销版本圣经的编辑正在对其语言进行升级。

    Editors for the top-selling version in North America are updating its language .

  23. 文本编辑是以C++语言编写,同时基于静态工厂模式以提高序列类的封装性。

    The text sequence is written in C + + language , based on static factory pattern to improve the sequence of class encapsulation .

  24. 功能,专门用于支持以从右向左方式或从右向左及从左到右的组合方式进行文本输入、编辑和显示的语言。

    Functionality and features designed to support languages that work in a right-to-left or a combined right-to-left , left-to-right environment for text entering , editing , and display .

  25. 编辑出版《中国语言生活绿皮书》的目的,是为国家决策提供参考,为语言文字研究者、语言文字产品研发者和社会其他人士提供语言服务,引领社会语言生活走向和谐。

    The purposes of editing and publishing these books are to serve as reference for the government to make decisions , offer services for linguistic researchers , language products researchers and producers and other related people , and guide the social language life towards harmony .