
  • 网络settlement;Settlement Modes
  1. 模具报价策略与结算方式

    Strategy of Quoted Price and Methods of Settlement about the Mould

  2. 零售业自助结算方式的效率及影响因素研究

    Research on Retail Self-service Settlement efficiency and its Affecting Factors

  3. 不同结算方式下发电商投标策略的Nash均衡分析

    Analysis of Nash Equilibrium of Bidding Strategies for Suppliers under Different Settlement Modes

  4. 我单位以POS机刷卡的电子结算方式,代替现金结算的实践,至今三年有余,取得了良好的效果,工作效率大大提高,减少了支付结算时间,减少了支付转移差错;

    The practice to use POS instead of cash settlement has more than three years , and achieved good results .

  5. 国际结算方式中主要风险的防范

    Precautions against the Main Risks in the International Accounting Methods

  6. 国际保理和信用证业务是国际贸易中两种主要的结算方式。

    International factoring and letter of credit are two main clearing forms .

  7. 我国银行业如何应对国际贸易结算方式多元化

    How China 's Banking Deals with the Diversification of International Settlement Ways

  8. 金融危机背景下的国际结算方式创新

    Innovation on International Settlement in the Background of Financial Crisis

  9. 信用证发展到今天已经成为一种非常重要的国际结算方式和融资工具。

    It has become an important means of international settlement and finance equipment .

  10. 对华东电力市场结算方式的探讨

    Discussion on Settlement Method in East China Power Market

  11. (三)通过转账或者其他结算方式协助资金转移的;

    Helping transfer capital through transferring accounts or any other form of settlement ;

  12. 你们认为结算方式合适吗?

    816 Do you think the method of payment is OK for you ?

  13. 浅论医疗保险费用结算方式对平均住院日的影响

    Research on the impact of health insurance payment on average length of stay

  14. 当前,国际贸易竞争日趋激烈,传统的信用证结算方式由于手续复杂,其地位受到了严峻挑战。

    Nowadays , the competition in international trade is becoming fiercer and fiercer .

  15. 本文主要从价格和产量角度对不同结算方式下的市场力进行了分析。

    For different settlement method , it analyses market power from price and quantity .

  16. 国际保理与信用证结算方式的比较

    Comparison of International Factoring and Letters of Credit

  17. 而作为国际货款支付方式的信用证结算方式被普遍采用。

    As one universal settlement method , letter of credit has been widely adopted .

  18. 对越南出口贸易的主要结算方式及应注意的问题

    The Main Striking Way for Trade to Vietnam and the Issues to be Paid Attention

  19. 交易结算方式也是个问题。

    Trade settlement is also an issue .

  20. 在我国的饲料企业中,存折户结算方式已被广泛地使用。

    The means of payments of bankbook account have been widely used in our country .

  21. 第五部分是对支付宝作为未来国际贸易重要的结算方式需要改进的地方提出了一些建议。

    Chapter five suggests improvements to Alipay as an important method of international trade settlement .

  22. 对外贸易支付与结算方式

    Payment and settlement procedures in foreign trade

  23. 施工合同成立、生效以及无效合同工程价款结算方式的辨析

    Discrimination of Construction Contract 's Establishment , Effectiveness and Price Settlement Method of Invalid Contract

  24. 主要问题在于证券所有权和交易结算方式。

    The main problems centre on the ownership of securities and the settlement of trades .

  25. 作为电子支付结算方式的主要载体,信用卡得到了广泛应用。

    Electronic payment as the main carrier settlement , the credit card has been widely used .

  26. 近年来,信用证支付已逐渐成为我国企业在对外贸易中最主要的一种贸易结算方式。

    In recent years , has become a main term of payment in the foreign trade .

  27. 从两起商业单据丢失事件看国际结算方式的风险商务与结算

    Cases and Analysis of Risk Relating to Loss of Shipping Documents Commercial Affairs and Settling Accounts

  28. 浅谈基本医疗保险住院医疗费用定额结算方式下的会计核算

    Discuss The Accounting Under The Quota Settlement Of The Hospitalization Fees In The Basic Medical Insurance

  29. 信用证已成为当前国际贸易中普遍使用的贸易结算方式。

    The letter of credit is an universal method of settlement in the current international trade .

  30. 然后重点研究了不同市场模式和结算方式下市场力的影响。

    Then this paper studies the effect of market power in different pattern and settlement method .