
  • 网络structure relax;structure relaxation;structural relaxation
  1. 大量含钛的玻璃退火前后的折射率变化情况是多个因素互相作用的结果,是玻璃的结构弛豫决定了玻璃的折射率变化。

    So the variety of refractive index of the glass containing Titanium mass is affected by many factors , and is determined by the glass 's structure relax .

  2. 钴镍铁基金属玻璃结构弛豫的X射线研究

    Investigation of structure relaxation in Co-Ni-Fe base metal glasses by X-ray scattering

  3. Fe基非晶结构弛豫、晶化及磁性能研究

    Research on Structure Relaxation , Crystallization and Magnetic Property of Fe-based Amorphous

  4. Zr(70)Cu(30)非晶合金退火时结构弛豫过程的压力效应

    Pressure effect on structural relaxation of zr_70cu_30 amorphous alloy on annealing

  5. 在较低的测试温度范围内,升高温度引起纳米GaP材料发生晶界结构弛豫;

    In lower measuring temperature range , increase of temperature led to occurrence of grain boundary relaxation of GaP nanocrystals .

  6. Zr(43)Cu(50)Al7块体非晶合金的结构弛豫和晶化研究

    Structure Relaxation and Crystallization of Bulk Amorphous Zr _ ( 43 ) Cu_ ( 50 ) Al_7 Alloy

  7. 多晶MgC(1-x)Ni3的微结构弛豫谱研究

    The mechanical relaxation study of polycrystalline mgc_ ( 1-x ) ni_3

  8. Fe(35)Ni(15)B(26)纳米金属玻璃的表面状态、结构弛豫及晶化过程的研究

    An investigation on surface status , structure relaxation and crystallization process of fe_ ( 35 ) ni_ ( 15 ) b ( 26 ) nanometer metglas

  9. 差示扫描量热法(DSC)分析球磨粉的晶化过程中发现,其非晶晶化过程中无结构弛豫现象。

    Using DSC , it is found that the amorphous crystallization of ball milling powders has its own specialty .

  10. 非晶态As2S3膜的结构弛豫

    Structure relaxation in non & crystalline as_2s_3 film

  11. 与此同时还应用X射线小角散射技术和示差扫描量热仪等观测结构弛豫的手段测量了人工时效样品的相应现象。

    The corresponding phenomena after the specimen was aged artificially was studied with the small angle X-ray scattering and DSC , which are suitable for observing structure relaxation .

  12. 在固体与分子经验电子理论基础上提出了用结构弛豫模型计算C,N在γFe中的扩散激活能。

    A structure relaxation model based on the empirical electron theory of solids and molecules is developed to compute the diffusion active energies of C , N in γ Fe .

  13. 用M(o¨)ssbauer效应研究Fe(80)P(20)非晶合金的结构弛豫和晶化

    Study of structural relaxation and crystallization in amorphous fe_ ( 80 ) p_ ( 20 ) alloy by m (?) ssbauer effect

  14. 非晶合金在低于Tg温度以下退火会发生结构弛豫,对后续晶化过程产生影响。

    And structure relaxation will take place if an amorphous alloy is annealed under the temperature Tg , which can influence the latter crystallization .

  15. 天然和人工时效Cu(55)Zr(45)金属玻璃结构弛豫的EXAFS研究

    An EXAFS study for structure relaxation of cu_ ( 55 ) zr_ ( 45 ) metallic glass during natural and artificial ageing

  16. 穆斯堡尔谱学对非晶态合金Fe(79)Si5B(16)结构弛豫的研究

    Study of the structural relaxation in amorphous alloy Fe_ ( 79 ) Si_ ( 5 ) B_ ( 16 ) by Mossbauer spectroscopy

  17. 金属型非晶态InSb结构弛豫的霍耳效应研究

    The study of the structure relaxation of metal-type amorphous InSb by the measurement of Hall effect

  18. 非晶态Fe(90-x)CuxZr(10)合金的电子输运特性和结构弛豫

    Electrical transport properties and structural relaxation of amorphous fe_ ( 90-x ) cu_xzr_ ( 10 ) alloys

  19. 本文研究了非晶态Ni(85-x)Si(15)Bx合金的结构弛豫对电阻特性的影响。

    The influence of structural relaxation on resistance properties of amorphous Ni_ ( 85-x ) Si_ ( 15 ) B_x alloys have been studied .

  20. 用X射线光电子能谱、穆斯堡尔谱学等手段研究了用化学还原法制备的纳米金属玻璃(Fe(35)Ni(15)B(26))的表面状态、结构弛豫及晶化过程。

    The surface status , structure relaxation and crystallization process of Fe_ ( 35 ) Ni_ ( 15 ) B_ ( 26 ) nanometer metglas produced by chemical reduction method were investigated by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy .

  21. 金属型非晶InSb的结构弛豫,不仅可以导致近程有序度的提高,而且可能导致电子结构的变化。

    The structure relaxation leabs to not only the increase of the short range order but also the change of electron structure in metal-type amorphous InSb .

  22. 非晶态Zr-Si合金的结构弛豫和结晶化形为对超导电性的影响

    The effect of structural relaxation and crystallization process on superconductivity in amorphous zr-si alloys

  23. 在MA粉末DSC升温曲线中,分别出现3个强弱不一的放热峰,依次发生了畸变的纳米晶过饱和固溶体的结构弛豫、纳米晶粒长大以及固溶体的相分解过程;

    Three exothermal peaks with different intensity appear in the DSC heating-up curves of MA powders . These peaks correspond to structural relaxation of distorted nanocrystalline supersaturate solid solution , nanometer grain growth and phase decomposition of solid solution , respectively ;

  24. 淬火速度及冷加工与Pd-Si-Cu金属玻璃结构弛豫谱之关系

    The relation of quenching velocity and cold working to structural relaxation spectrum of Pd-Si-Cu metal glass

  25. 第一次实验研究了金属型非晶态InSb的结构弛豫,结果表明,霍耳效应测量是研究非晶材料结构弛豫的有效方法,并能直接判断出发生结构弛豫的物理机制。

    The structure relaxation of the metal-type amorphous InSb was studied experimentally for the first time . The experimental results showed that this method proved effective in studying the structure relaxation of amorphous materials and the physical mechanism of the structure relaxation can be determined directly .

  26. 结果表明,低温结构弛豫是平均激活能低的多弛豫过程,在这个过程中发展了化学短程序(CSRO)。

    The results show that its low temperature structural relaxation is a multiple relaxation process with low average activation energy , in which a chemical short range order ( CSRO ) is developed .

  27. 测定不同状态的Pd-Si-Cu金属玻璃等速升温时的电阻变化,研究淬火速度和冷加工对其结构弛豫谱的影响。

    The resistance change of Pd-Si-Cu metal glass during temperature elevating in different states has been determined , the effect of quenching velocity and cold working on structural relaxation spectrum has been studied .

  28. 实验结果表明:结构弛豫可分为两种不同的类型,即拓扑短程序(TSRO)和化学短程序(CSRO)弛豫过程。本工作特别对后一种过程提供了直接的证据。

    The experimental results obtained show two types of structure relaxation : The relaxation associated with topographical short range ordering ( TSRO ) and the relaxation associated with chemical short range ordering ( CSRO ), and give particularly the direct evidence of the CSRO relaxation process in the amorphous states .

  29. 非晶态材料结构弛豫研究的新方法

    A new method for studying the structure relaxation of amorphous matters

  30. 低温结构弛豫的激活能约为17kJ/mol。

    The activation energy of low temperature structural relaxation is about 17kJ / mol.