• fine;thin;slender;in small particles
  • 颗粒小的,与“粗”相对:~沙。~面。~屑。

  • 长条东西直径小的:~线。~丝。~眉。~水长流。

  • 精致的:~瓷。~布。~工。~活儿。

  • 声音小:嗓音~。

  • 周密详尽:仔~。精~。~致。~密。~目(详细的项目或目录)。~腻。胆大心~。

  • 微小的:~小。~微。~节。事无巨~。

  • 俭省:他过日子很~。


(条状物横剖面小) thin; slender:

  • 细铁丝

    thin wire;

  • 细线

    fine thread;

  • 细腰

    slender waist;

  • 纤细的手指

    fine fingers


(颗粒小) in small particles; fine:

  • 细沙

    fine sand;

  • 玉米面磨得很细。

    The corn flour has been ground very fine.


(音量小) thin and soft:

  • 细嗓子

    a thready voice


(精细) fine; exquisite; delicate:

  • 粗粮细作

    make delicacies out of coarse food grain;

  • 细瓷

    fine porcelain [china];

  • 这几件象牙雕刻做得真细!

    What exquisite [delicate] ivory carvings these are!


(仔细; 详细; 周密)careful; meticulous; detailed:

  • 工作做得细

    be meticulous in one's work;

  • 过细地做工作

    be careful with [in doing] one's work; work meticulously;

  • 精收细打

    careful reaping and threshing;

  • 细看

    examine carefully; scrutinize;

  • 细问

    make detailed inquiries; ask about details


(细微; 细小)minute; trifling:

  • 分工很细

    have an elaborate division of labour;

  • 事无巨细

    all matters, big and small;

  • 琐细得不切实际的理论

    a finespun theory

  1. 他身宽腿细。

    He has a large body , but thin legs .

  2. 墙上出现了许多细裂缝。

    A number of thin cracks appeared in the wall .

  3. “但是为什么…?”她的声音细了下去。

    ' But why … ? ' Her voice tailed away .

  4. 一根细金属丝从静脉里穿到心脏。

    A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart .

  5. 这些壶底部粗,顶部细。

    The pots are wide at the base and tapered at the top .

  6. 子粒被捣成了细粉。

    The seeds were pounded to a fine powder .

  7. 用细砂纸最后磨光。

    Use a finer piece of sandpaper to finish .

  8. 用细画笔涂颜料。

    Apply the paint with a fine brush .

  9. 尾部越来越细,最后成了个圆尖。

    The tail tapered to a rounded tip .

  10. 把你的眉毛修剪成越往外眼角越细的月牙形。

    Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners .

  11. 弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。

    Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers

  12. 这艘船停靠在细沙滩上。

    The ship has come to rest on the fine sand .

  13. 那只罐子的口沿有条极细的裂缝。

    There 's a hairline crack in the rim of that jar

  14. 他身穿一套件价格不菲的深蓝色细条纹西装。

    He wore an expensive , dark blue pinstripe suit .

  15. 他叉开两条细腿,猛地挺起胸膛。

    He set his skinny legs apart and threw back his shoulders .

  16. 梅利娜凝神细听着他的每句话,被深深吸引住了。

    Melina was hanging on his every word , fascinated .

  17. 将橙皮擦出大约一茶匙的细末待用。

    Finely grate about a teaspoon of orange zest and put aside .

  18. 她身着一件系有蓝色细腰带的白色连衣裙。

    She wore a white dress with a thin blue sash

  19. 穿上一套细条纹西装后,他马上就显得一本正经起来。

    In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt .

  20. 他用一把小刷子刷掉细锯末。

    Using a small brush , he brushed away the fine sawdust .

  21. 用一个细筛子将山莓压碎过滤,以制成山莓泥。

    Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree .

  22. 谢里是个黑人,身材高挑,细声细语。

    Sherry is black , tall , slender and soft-spoken .

  23. 这只公鸡胸部羽毛呈浅栗色,带有白色细条纹。

    The cock 's breast is tinged with chestnut .

  24. 一根细电缆将信号传送给一台计算机。

    A thin cable carries the signal to a computer

  25. 建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。

    The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns .

  26. 整株植物都覆盖着细茸毛。

    The whole plant is covered with fine down .

  27. 用传统干酪制作技术制成的布里干酪柔软,不易裂开,而且口感细滑。

    Traditional cheesemaking skills give our brie its soft , supple , creamy texture .

  28. 将卷心菜切成又细又长的丝。

    Cut the cabbage into fine long shreds .

  29. 他可以看见她脸上的细纹。

    He could see faint lines in her face

  30. 他的鼻子又细又尖。

    His nose was thin and sharp .