
xiàn xìnɡ biǎo
  • linear list
  1. 线性表在VISUALBASIC中的实现

    The Realization of the Linear List in Visual Basic

  2. 将GP算法解的树型结构转换为线性表结构,提出GA规划算法。

    GA programming algorithm is put forwarded . The expression of solution is changed from tree-structure to linear list .

  3. 结论通过首位串联可以实现HEV线性表位较高效的表达。

    ConclusionHigh level expression of epitope from HEV could be achieved by tandem repeats .

  4. 研究结果表明:我们从SARS多抗中获得了两个N蛋白线性表位,它们可能是N蛋白C端的两个优势表位,其在鉴别诊断中的意义还需要更深入的研究。

    As a conclusion , we got two liner epitopes of SARS-CoV N protein . These epitopes perhaps were the dominant epitopes in the C-terminal of N protein .

  5. 它的主要功能有:1)通过TCP/IP协议(Socket)以及系统的通信原语与各GA进行通信,维持管理与之相连的GA线性表。

    It achieves the goals : 1 ) communicate with GA via TCP / IP protocol ( Socket ) and communication primitive , and manipulate the GA Host list ;

  6. 结论抗体抗原亲和力随免疫次数的增加趋向饱和,BSA的线性表位为优势表位,随免疫次数的增加比重逐渐增强。

    Conclusion With the increase of the immunization times , the affinity of antibody come to mature and the proportion of dominant linear epitopes of BSA became higher .

  7. 这可能是因为包涵体形式表达的重组蛋白主要呈现线性表位,而PPV母源抗体主要与构象表位发生作用。

    The reason maybe was that the recombinant proteins expressed as forms of inclusion bodies which were linear epitopes , but the maternal antibodies of PPV played a role with structure epitopes mainly .

  8. 为获取识别多种WSSV抗原的抗体提供了新的方法路线,也为获取特异性识别线性表位的单链抗体提供了一种新的淘选技巧。

    This study provides a new way to obtain more different antibodies specifically binding to WSSV , and especially provides a new strategy to obtain scFvs against linear epitopes .

  9. 在理论研究和实际应用中,按地址有序首次匹配线性表结构的DMM由于其有利于增强程序局部性,显著地减少内存碎片,因而得到广泛的关注。

    Compared with other DMMs , first fit DMM using address-ordered linear list data structure is the most researched and applied , since it tends to enhance program locality , and causes significantly less fragmentation .

  10. 基于线性表出的非奇异循环变换局部性优化方法

    A Linear Expressing Based Approach for Optimizing Locality Using Non-Singular Loop Transformations

  11. 关于线性表的零问题及其解决

    Zero in Linear List : Problem and Solution

  12. 线性表的动态排序算法研究

    The Algorithm about Dynamically Ordering for the Linear-List

  13. 提出了用线性表实现多媒体表现同步模型的方法。

    We propose the method of realizing multimedia representation synchronization models with linear table .

  14. 该方法不同于特征函数法和线性表表示方法。

    This method is different from the feature Function and Linear list representing method .

  15. 利用舍伍德算法实现线性表的快速查找

    Quick Search of Linear List Using Sherwood Algorithm

  16. 多态线性表的设计

    Designing of Polymorphic Linear List

  17. 实验结果表明基于线性表出的非奇异循环变换局部性优化方法能有效提高数据访问的时间和空间局部性。

    The experimental results show that the projection-delamination based data transformation framework is effective in optimizing spatial locality .

  18. 数据库对元素类型为整型的顺序存储的线性表进行插入、删除和查找操作。

    Database of elements stored in the order of type integer linear table insert , delete and search operations .

  19. 采用面向对象的方法构造数据模型,把命名的线性表定义为简单对象。

    An object-oriented approach is used for data modeling in this paper , The simple object is defined as a named linear list .

  20. 另外,用数组不利于实现线性表中结点的动态增加与删除。

    Moreover , it 's not in favor of realizing the dynamic adding and deletion of node in linear tables by using arrays .

  21. 经汇编后生成内部指令码线性表,实现循环扫描控制,其处理方法简捷,运行稳定可靠。

    Internal code linear table was created and adopted to achieve cycle-scanning control . The processing method is simple and stable in running .

  22. 这几种词典机制都是以排序的线性表来提高查询效率,数据结构比较复杂且查询速度较慢。

    All of the above three methods improve their inquiry efficiency using sorted liner table with complex data structures and poor inquiry efficiency .

  23. 本文对线性表的链式存储结构进行了较为详细的探讨,并给出了部分基本操作和相关算法。

    This article classified particularly the linked storage structure of linear list , and partly supplies the basic operations and the correlated algorithm .

  24. 完成了分级存储的线性表结构的设计,作为性能情报共享内存存储结构和性能日志文件存储结构。

    Liner table structure based on hierarchical storage is designed . It is used to store performance information in memory and log file .

  25. 并给出从状态空间到线性表的映射方法,引入状态&程序复杂性。

    The Method mapping the state space into a linear table is provided , as well as the introduction of " state-programming complexity " .

  26. 实验结果表明了该文所提出的基于线性表出的非奇异循环变换局部性优化方法是有效的。

    The experimental results show that the linear expressing based approach for optimizing locality using non-singular loop transformations presented in this paper is effective .

  27. 为了能充分利用操作变换机制,在单用户应用程序的外部设置了一个线性表用以索引文档中的对象;

    In order to make best use of operational transformation , a linear sequence outside single-user application was used to index the objects in documents .

  28. 线性表位与抗体的亲和力从初次免疫时占平均水平(整体表位)亲和力的75%降低至四次免疫后的69%。

    The level of antibody affinity of linear determinant in all the determinants decrease from 75 % in the first immunity to 69 % in the fourth immunity .

  29. 讨论了抽象数据类型的实现方案,并以“线性表”为例,说明对象技术在抽象数据类型实现中的应用。

    This paper discusses an implementation framework of abstract data type ( ADT ), in which application of object technology in implementation of ADT is demonstrated by examples of linear_list .

  30. 从线性表的链式存储下元素的插入与删除的基本思想出发,分别给出了操作实现的算法思想。

    This thesis started from basic idea if inserting element and deleting element from linked storage of linear list , differently giving the algorithm idea for implementation of the operation .