
xiàn dǎo yú léi
  • wire-guided torpedo
线导鱼雷[xiàn dǎo yú léi]
  1. 具有很好的指导意义。线导鱼雷导引方法综述

    A Summary of Guiding Methods of Present Wire-guided Torpedo

  2. 线导鱼雷靶场散布分析

    Analysis of Shooting Range Scatter for Wire-guided Torpedo

  3. 舰用水声对抗系统对抗线导鱼雷战术运用分析

    Tactical Application of Vessel Hydro-Acoustic Countermeasure System Against Line Guided Torpedoes

  4. 线导鱼雷的方位导引模型及工程化研究

    Model and Project Research of Azimuth Guidance Method for Wire-guidance Torpedo

  5. 一种信息不完备条件下的线导鱼雷模糊导引律

    Fuzzy guidance law for wire-guidance torpedo under condition of incomplete information

  6. 低频噪声干扰器对抗线导鱼雷攻击效果研究

    Study on Effectiveness of Low Frequency Noise-jammer Rivaling Line-guided Torpedo

  7. 线导鱼雷作战使用方法研究

    A Study of Wire - guidance Torpedo Operational Ways

  8. 声纳丢失目标时线导鱼雷的导引方法

    Wired torpedo guidance when sonar loses contact with targets

  9. 远航程线导鱼雷的以太网通信接口设计

    Ethernet Interface Design for Voyage Wire-guided Torpedoes

  10. 潜用自导/线导鱼雷直航射击功能的战术意义

    The tactical significance of submarine homing / wire-guided torpedo ′ s firing at straight running function

  11. 低频操声干净器主要用于对抗控制线导鱼雷的潜艇平台声呐。

    Low frequency noise-jammers are used to rival the active and passive sonar of submarines with line-guided torpedoes .

  12. 单体电池电压采集技术是通用线导鱼雷充放电设备中的一项关键技术。

    Sampling of single battery voltage is a key technique for the charging and discharging equipment of general wire-guided torpedo .

  13. 分析了潜用自导鱼雷和线导鱼雷的战术特性,并从战斗使用的角度出发,阐述了潜用自导鱼雷和线导鱼雷直航射击功能的战术意义。

    The thesis provides an analysis of submarine homing torpedo and wire-guided torpedo ′ s tactical characteristic , and then expatiates on the tactical significance of their firing at straight running function .

  14. 探讨线导鱼雷与潜艇通过线导通道进行信息融合的若干实际问题,包括融合结构、雷上传感器数据关联、雷艇数据与航迹关联、雷艇数据与航迹综合、身份信息融合、传感器管理等。

    Some practical problems concerning the fusion of information from wire-guided torpedo sensors and submarine sensors are discussed , including fusion architecture , data and track association and combination , identity information fusion , and sensor management .

  15. 在目标运动要素未知的条件下,方位导引法是线导鱼雷常用的导引方法,尾流自导鱼雷的制导技术要求鱼雷必须满足一定的角度进入目标尾流,才能发现尾流并跟踪击毁目标。

    Guiding using orientation is the main guiding method without moving elements of target for wire-guiding torpedo . To catch and kill target successfully the homing technology of wake homing require the enter angle of torpedo within certain extent .

  16. 线导如何导引鱼雷满足进入尾流角的要求,是急需研究的问题。

    How to satisfy the requirement is an urgent problem must be solved when using wire-guiding + wake homing torpedo .