
  • 网络linear control theory
  1. 虽然许多基于经典线性控制理论分析和设计的AQM算法,例如:RED、PI等,基本实现了提高链路利用率、降低丢包率等问题。

    Many AQM algorithm based on classical linear control theory analysis and design , for example : RED and PI etc , having improved the link utilization and lower packet loss ratio .

  2. 研究非线性系统TSK模糊模型的辨识与控制,利用TSK模型,可以将线性控制理论应用于非线性系统控制。

    Based on the support vector machine ( SVM ) identification and the control for TSK fuzzy model of the nonlinear system are studied . Linear control theory can be used to control nonlinear system using the TSK model .

  3. 主要介绍了H∞标准问题的三种设计方法及H∞最优化方法在线性控制理论其他问题与工程实际中的应用。

    Three design methods for H_ ∞ standard problem and H_ ∞ model matching problem are mainly described . The ap-plication of the methods to other theoretical control problems and practical control problems is also introduced .

  4. 提出了基于非线性动力学理论分析DC/DC变换器中的分岔与混沌的方法以及利用线性控制理论解决非线性问题的思路。

    The author puts forward the thought of analyzing bifurcation and chaos in DC / DC converters with the theories of nonlinear dynamics , and the thought of controlling nonlinear problems with linear controlling methods of modern control theory .

  5. 为了采用线性控制理论来研究非线性问题,还需要建立对应的等效电压环。

    Then an equivalent voltage loop is set up .

  6. 然后,采用经典线性控制理论对分离镜伺服系统进行了校正设计。

    Then , used the classical linear control theory are applied to adjust design the separating-mirror servo system .

  7. 本文采用线性控制理论来设计基于速率的流量控制器。

    This paper uses linear control theory in the design of a traffic rate controller for ATM ABR service .

  8. 该研究对采用线性控制理论实现液压伺服系统的高精度位置跟踪控制有一定的帮助。

    This research is available for realizing high accuracy hydraulic servo system 's position control by adopting the linear control theory .

  9. 随着线性控制理论和网络通信相关技术的发展,网络化控制系统受到越来越多的关注。

    With the development of control theory and network communication technology , networked control systems have received more and more attention .

  10. 现代非线性控制理论是线性控制理论的推广,同时随着计算机科学技术的飞速发展,它在各种实际对象中的应用也会越来越广泛。

    Modern nonlinear control system theory is extension linear system theory . With the developing of computer science technology , its application would become more extensive in the kinds of practical object .

  11. 增量运动控制是一种动态不确定环境下的优化控制方法,对于复杂非线性的控制问题,经典的线性控制理论很难得到满意的控制。

    Increment motion control is a kind of optimize control method under dynamic and uncertain conditions . For complex non-linear control problems , it is difficult to gain a satisfactory solution using classical linear control theory .

  12. 此模型是一种本质非线性模型,但可以应用线性控制理论的成果来设计稳定的控制器,并且模型中的连接权系数有各自的物理意义,可以通过经验来确定其初始值。

    Although it is a nonlinear model in nature , we may design the controller based on linear system theory . Also the factors have their physical meaning respectively and we can determine the initial factors by experience easily .

  13. 就控制器的综合或设计而言,给定对象的精确数学模型,经典线性控制理论立足于使系统满足一定的性能指标,而现代控制理论则追求性能指标最优。

    Based on precise mathematical models , classic linear control theory tries to find a controller satisfying given performance index , while modern control theory aims to search the optimal controller such that the optimal performance index cab be realized .

  14. 用直接反馈线性化控制理论,为SVC设计了电压型非线性控制器,提出纯电压型SVC控制器只能维持装设点电压,不能增加系统阻尼。

    N this paper , the nonlinear voltage controller is designed for static var compensator ( SVC ) by employing the direct feedback linearization ( DFL ) theory .

  15. 同时针对三种坐标,分别建立PWM整流器的数学模型。其次,对反馈线性化控制理论进行研究,给出输入状态反馈和输入输出反馈两种反馈线性化方法。

    At the same time in three coordinates , mathematical models of PWM rectifier are established . Secondly , based on the research of feedback linearization control theory , concluding input state feedback and input and output feedback , which two methods of feedback linearization are given .

  16. 基于线性最优控制理论的汽车主动悬架控制方法研究

    A Method for Controlling Automotive Active Suspension System Based on Linear Optimal Control

  17. 该算法建立在线性最优化控制理论基础上,能大大提高优化的计算效率。

    The algorithm is based on the linearoptimal control theory and has advantages of high efficiency in computation .

  18. 提出以人体加速度、速度和动挠度为目标函数的主动控制策略,应用经典线性最优控制理论,分析其可行性和有效性。

    An active control strategy based on classical linear optimal control theory is provided , feasibility and effectiveness of which are studied .

  19. 依据线性最优控制理论,对最优控制力的确定以及控制器设计进行了深入分析。

    According to the linear optimal control theory , the optimal control forces are determined , and the design of controller is discussed .

  20. 本文对线性最优控制理论在车辆主动悬架系统控制策略中的应用进行了研究。

    This paper gives mainly a review of the application of linear optimal control theory to the design of control laws for the automotive active suspension system .

  21. 灰色预测控制理论中灰色建模和超前控制的思想较好地弥补了线性最优控制理论中精确线性化和事后控制的不足。

    The grey modeling and the idea of pre-control in grey prediction control theory can well remedy the defects of exact linearization and after-control in linear optimal control theory .

  22. 提出了一种基于线性最优控制理论的汽车主动悬架控制方法,通过理论分析表明,此方法对改善汽车行驶平顺性和提高汽车行驶安全性具有较优的效果。

    The controlling method for automotive active suspension system based on linear optimal control is put forward . The effectiveness of the controlling method to improve riding and safety performance is proved .

  23. 基于线性最优控制理论,求解出最优控制力,采用状态跳跃控制算法来实现着陆器软着陆的半主动控制,并与采用被动控制、最优控制算法的着陆器进行了对比分析。

    Based on linear quadratic optimal ( LQ ) control theory , the optimal control force was solved and a state-jump algorithm was adopted to realize semi-active control during the process of soft landing .

  24. 设计主动悬架的关键任务之一是寻找一个好的控制律,随机线性最优控制理论能为车辆提供良好的性能,得到了广泛的应用。

    One of the key points in designing an active suspension is to find a good control rule . The theory of stochastic linear optimal control which is broadly used now can provide good performances for vehicles .

  25. 克服了单纯用线性控制系统理论来控制象歼击机这样的复杂非线性系统鲁棒性能较差的问题。

    Simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method . It has solved the problem of weak robust when the linear control theory is used to control a complicated nonlinear systems like airplane .

  26. 具体为:第一,根据反馈线性化控制理论,运用微分几何方法中的李导数,发现并证明了小车非线性系统模型不可以精确反馈线性化,据此采用局部反馈线性化方法实现系统的线性化。

    Specifically as follows : First , based on feedback linearization control theory and differential geometry method & Lie theory , we find that the nonlinear system model can not be precisely linearized , so we use partial feedback linearizing method to get the linearization .

  27. 基于经典线性最优控制理论,分别从被动控制、半主动控制和主动控制三个方面讨论了结构控制在核芯单筒式悬挂结构体系的应用问题,推导了相应的公式,计算了算例。

    Based on the classical LQR theory , an application of structral control to the core wall suspension structure was studied on passive control , active control and semi-active control in this paper . The calculating formulas have been generalized and an example has been computed .

  28. 在线性系统滑模控制理论的基础上,给出了对于一般SISO线性系统状态范数控制的形式,提出了状态范数的控制器结构。

    Based on the sliding mode control theory of linear systems , a type of state norm control to general SISO linear systems is discussed . The controller structure with state norm is presented .

  29. 目前对线性结构的控制理论研究已较为成熟。

    At the moment , control theory for the linear structure has already been developed very maturely .

  30. 线性预测控制的理论已经比较成熟,非线性预测控制的理论研究也取得了一定的成果。

    By now , linear MPC theory is quite mature , and many issues have been addressed in nonlinear MPC formulation with academic success .